Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Self-Pubbed Hub - A New Feature on the Blog & Guest Reviewer Slot available!

Image via We Heart It

Self-Published Authors - this one is for you!

I've always felt kind of bad about not accepting self-published titles for review--I just don't have the time to include all the things on this blog!  There are some real self-published gems out there though, and this is becoming more and more apparent as time goes on.  For example, in the past couple months alone I've read and enjoyed Easy by Tammara Webber and On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves, both of which were originally self-published. Incidentally, both books have now gone on to find homes at large publishing houses.  Tracey Garvis-Graves wrote a great guest post for this blog that really got me thinking.  She turned to self-publishing because she couldn't get agent representation, and guys, it would have been a real shame if On the Island had never seen the light of day, so yay! for self-publishing!

Since reading Tracey's post, I've been wondering if there was any little thing I could do to help self-published authors get their voices out there, and then I thought of this feature. The simple fact of the matter is that there's just not enough time to review every title, but there is always  time to highlight book covers and synopsis and send out Q&A's. That I can do!

So, if you are a self-published author and you'd like to get involved in this, send me an email at daisychainbookreviews@gmail.com with 'Self-Pubbed Hub' in the title.

In your email you should include:

Your Book Title, Synopsis and Cover Art.
Links to/PDF's of any free chapters or You can include an extract of the book in a word document
Links to any social networking sites: Twitter//Facebook/Blog//Dedicated website for your book.
If you have competition copies available - let me know!

If your book is selected to be featured:

I will respond to your email and attach five questions for you to answer in a Q&A.
I will ask if review copies are available if I have a reviewer available to review your title (or if I can fit it in!) Reviews are not guaranteed, but I will try to work something out!

I will then include all of your information in a blog post to be featured on the blog and also posted to my associated Facebook and Twitter accounts.

This feature is all about getting your voice heard and getting your book out there!

Please Note: That only select titles will be chosen -- so please read my review policy and preferred genres before applying. I will only feature books that pique my interest and that I think readers of this blog will enjoy!

Self-Pubbed Hub will be kicking off tomorrow with Molly McAdams and her book Taking Chances!

New Guest Reviewer Slot Available!

I am looking for a new guest reviewer on the blog! Jen and Liz will still be writing reviews, but now, with this new feature, I have room for one more! I currently have a paranormal romance book and an upcoming YA dystopian here that are just itching to be reviewed!

If you'd like to be the guest reviewer then send an email to daisychainbookreviews@gmail.com with Guest Reviewer in the title.

Please include two samples of your review style in the email. Direct Links to Goodreads reviews are fine.

Please list your preferred genres and also list any genres you don't want to review!

Also, let me know if you have an e-reader.

This is open to all readers worldwide. Send me an email if you're interested.  :)

P.S: Anyone who applied for the guest reviewer slot last time I was looking is welcome to apply this time too!

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