Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Self-Pubbed Hub #1 - Molly McAdams & Taking Chances!

Molly McAdams is well on her way to being the next name to watch out for in the self-publishing superstar stakes! At the time of writing her debut novel Taking Chances was storming up the Amazon self-published charts and sitting pretty at #1 on the Barnes & Noble Self-Published eBook Bestsellers chart.*

Molly is such a delight and I loved reading her answers to my questions. I hope you do too!

 I read Taking Chances last weekend and I couldn't put it down. In a word, this book is addictive!

Taking Chances by Molly McAdam || Published: September 2012 ||

Eighteen year old Harper has grown up under her career Marine of a father's thumb. Ready to live life her own way and experience things she's only ever heard of from the jarheads in her father's unit; she's on her way to college at San Diego State University.

Thanks to her new roommate, Harper is introduced to a world of parties, gorgeous guys, family and emotions. Some she wasn't expecting yet, and others she never knew she was missing.

She finds herself being torn in two as she quickly falls in love with her boyfriend Brandon, and her roommate's brother Chase. Covered in tattoos, known for fighting in the Underground and ridiculously muscled...they're exactly what she was always warned to stay away from, but just what she needs. Despite their dangerous looks and histories, both adore and would do anything for Harper, including stepping back if it means she's happy.

Her first year away is turning out to be near perfect, but one weekend of giving in to heated passion will change everything.

Due to sexual situations and language, this is Mature YA/New Adult. Recommended for ages 17+

Interview with Taking Chances author Molly McAdams:

Describe Taking Chances in a tweet (140 characters or less): A love triangle full of drama, angst and heart wrenching emotions all wrapped up in a pretty package of muscles and tattoos ;) 

Can you tell me five things that inspired the characters, storylines and settings of Taking Chances? The beach, UFC fighters, tattoos, my own dreams, and what every girl should have in a best friend.

Self-publishing is becoming increasingly popular and there are some great success stories out there.  What made you decide to self-publish? I was writing just for fun, and wasn’t sure if anyone would even buy or like my book. Because of that I didn’t seek out publishing houses and figured since I could, I would do it myself! Honestly, I’m SO glad I did. I love how it’s been for me so far, and wouldn’t trade how this has all started for anything.

What has been your best self-publishing experience so far? Honestly, everything! I love it, I love the freedom with it, I love how easy it is to actually publish your work, and I’ve loved meeting new people from it. This whole experience has been crazy and such a rush, but like I said, I’ve loved every minute of it!

What advice would you give to any aspiring authors out there? Do you have any top tips to share? Don’t give up! Publishing your work is terrifying, but I'm so glad I decided to do it! Always write for yourself, and believe in what you write in. I made a lot of people mad with what’s being referred to as "The Scene We Don’t Speak Of" and I knew it was risky to write, but I love my story and I wouldn't change it for the world, and by being so invested in my story and character's lives, I was able to make it real for my readers ( least I hope I was!) And just have fun with it, don't let writing become a job - because you start writing for the love of it and your imagination...and you want to keep it that way.

Name three other books that you think readers of your book would also enjoy:
Thoughtless – S.C. Stephens
Beautiful Disaster – Jamie McGuire
Seducing Cinderella – Gina L. Maxwell

Finally, what are you working on next?
Well I'm editing From Ashes, and long story short it's about Cassidy and Gage, they're both in love with each other but Tyler (her best friend and his cousin) is doing everything in his power to keep them apart so neither knows it. From Ashes is their journey of coming together and obstacles they have to face to get there and after they finally are there. I love From Ashes, it was my favorite book to write and I can't wait to get it out to y'all! I've just started on Chase's POV (from Taking Chances) and that should be released March 1st. After that I have 3 completely different stories that I've already started working on and are in different stages of completion. 

Buy Taking Chances Quick Links:  Amazon || Barnes & Noble

If you are a self-published author and would like to take part in Self-Pubbed Hub send an email to and I will get back to you if your book is a good fit! Please include book cover and synopsis in your email.

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