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Image Source: We Heart It |
Disclaimer: This post is not so that I can have a whine or a moan about all the things that annoy me as a blogger. I mean, I could write a post about that, but then we'd be here all day. Ha! Kidding. Sort of.
No, this post was inspired by a couple of things including a few twitter conversations and blog posts I’ve recently stumbled upon. First off was a tweet which asked if the popularity of blogging was on the wane. This related to blogging in general, by the way, not just book blogging. The author of the tweet had noticed a decline in the number of hits and comments her posts were getting. And it got me thinking….
First up: blog comments. We can
say that we blog for a love of books and a love of blogging until we’re blue in
the face, but the fact of the matter is that while that may be true, its also fair to say that we all love comments. I have never
met a book blogger who didn’t love comments. Ruby from Ruby's Reads did a post on
comments and community lately which I got involved in, and bottom line as I
always say is that in matters of book blogging (I can’t speak for fashion
bloggers etc. because I’m not one) is that you have to give comments to get
Case in point: When I first
started blogging I used to comment EVERYWHERE and I used to take part in a
couple memes too. Man, that was time-consuming. But guess what – I used to get
a lot more comments on my blog posts back then. Double, even triple than what I
get now. I know that lack of comments is a sore point amongst a lot of bloggers.
It’s hard not to let it get to you. I mean, you put all this work into a
review, and then, it looks like people will only comment if you leave a comment
on their blog. I know. I mean, I said this post wasn’t going to turn into a whine-a-lot
post, so let’s move on and get back to the point.
Have you noticed a drop in
comments or page views on your blog lately? I have –this summer has been
quieter than usual. But I can’t say for
sure if this is because blogging is on the way out or if I haven’t been commenting
on as many blogs as I normally would because I’ve been outside enjoying the sun.
think though, that if you put a lot of work into something, then after a while,
you kind of expect it to grow, and to flourish on its own. That hasn’t happened
with a lot of the book blogs I read, including my own. Nowadays I schedule posts at the weekend and might not check on them for days at a time. I did this last week - you can take a look at the resulting lack of comments on the reviews I posted last week for proof!
So, who comments on blogs?
It seems to me that mostly the
only comments I get on my blog are from other book bloggers (I’m not
complaining – I love all comments and I love my fellow book bloggers!). Oh,
unless I’m running a competition and then suddenly EVERYBODY wants to leave a
comment. Ha! Seriously, though: who
reads your blog? Are the majority of
book blog readers other book bloggers? Are book blogs ever the first port of call for
readers looking for book reviews? I’m really not so sure. Referring to my
stats, I can see that my book reviews often lag behind cover reveal and movie trailer
posts in terms of page views. So, if not blogs, then where are readers going for book reviews? Traditional press, Amazon and Goodreads all come into play here, I guess - and there's also a new kid on the block:
The rise and rise of BookTubers.
A couple of people in the
aforementioned twitter conversation mentioned that YouTube was where it was at
in terms of book blogging these days. I admit I sort of rolled my eyes at this.
I mean, yeah, I’m totally out of the loop and I didn’t even know that
BookTubing was a thing with an actual name until a week or so ago. But it is.
And it’s really popular. BookTubers get, not hundreds, but thousands of hits on
their videos (which include book hauls, bookshelf tours, book reviews and fridayreads videos) and if you’re lamenting the lack of comments on your blog,
then become a BookTuber because as far as I can see, people are only too happy
to leave comments on videos.
Personally, I prefer reading book
reviews rather than watching them (book hauls on the other hand are heaps of
fun!), but BookTubing seems to be flourishing, while us bloggers, we’re seen as
tragically unhip nowadays. Seriously. I’ve seen blogging referred to in ‘relic’
and ‘fossil’ terms on twitter lately, and many of the author blogs I used to
follow now lie abandoned as their owners leave en masse for the shiny new heights
of Tumblr. Because people love shiny new things.
And blogging is outdated. Or so a
lot of people say.
Me, I’m not sure. I want to believe that book blogging is relevant and that book blogs are somewhere the readers look for book recommendations and reviews. I mean, if you’re
a book blogger then you already know that maintaining a blog is a hobby that entails a whole lot of
work. It's time-consuming too so if you’re going to stick with it for any length of time at all, then
you have to love it. Because blogging comes with its own pitfalls and annoyances too. When I first
joined the blogging community it was a very happy, welcoming place, and book blogging was
thriving. Since then, I’ve witnessed a lot of drama in the book blogging community and I
think it has hurt blogging. Nobody wants to deal with a drama queen, after all.
So, what do you think?
Do you think book blogging is
outdated? Or are book blogs still your first port of call for book news and reviews?
And what about comments? Do you
leave a comment on a blog if you enjoy a review? And if not – then why
not? This is like the great unsolved
mystery of the book blogging world. I have seen so many posts written by book
bloggers asking why, why, why they don’t get many or sometimes any comments on
their reviews.
What are your thoughts on
BookTubing? Is this the successor to book blogging? And why? Is it more personal?
More accessible? More engaging?
If you’re a BookTuber feel free
to leave your link in comments. I’m late to the party and I don’t know many so
I’m looking for BookTubers to add to my watch list.
If blogging has been stressing
you out or getting you down or if you’re wondering if it’s really all worth it
after you’ve spent hours working on a review that still has no comments two
days later, then you might like to read this post: Bloggers Under Pressure: Tips on how to beat Blogger Burnout.
Hey, I've seen bloggers posting about the views about this a few times over the past few years (not the decline of blogger part but more of the commenting part), and yeah, I've been bitter about the lack of comments before, haha. I kind of got over it, but I do still get envious when I see other book bloggers getting like 10 comments for a review, cause reviews usually get the least comments. I used to take part in weekly memes for fun and to increase traffic, but after some time when my schedule starts to fill up, it became more of a chore. Then I stopped and traffic reduced significantly.
ReplyDeleteI guess, there're a lot more book bloggers nowadays and for someone who follows, let's say, 50 blogs, there would be at least 1 review post every 10 minutes. (My feed has a new post every min most of the time!) For me, I'll read them but not comment unless it's a book I've read and LOVED like with all the hearts and kisses and place of honor on my shelf kind or if the review said something that I have a very strong opinion about. If not, I'll just not comment cause if I were to leave a comment on every post I read, it'll take me hours every time I check my feed. So I don't think that book blogging is at a decline.
That said, I do like the occasional vlog on book hauls and such, but y'know, being a reader and all, I prefer to READ posts not watch. Haha, I don't know, maybe it's just me, but yeah.
I get my news through blog posts and twitter, and I get my book info from Goodreads. It's still the most comprehensive book archive to me. ;)
Great topic you've brought today!
I don't prefer a video to a written book review, just me personally but I'm sure lots of us who love reading prefer to read a review. Have to admit, I have only watched book hauls so far and mostly avoid book trailers too, just not for me.
ReplyDeleteI do think it's all book bloggers reading my site, I suppose that is just the way it is.
As for comments, I mostly only comment if its a book I've read already or one already on my radar as otherwise I have nothing to add.
Great discussion topic, you touched on a lot of topics on my mind. Namely how to get non book bloggers to read my reviews, I'd love to know the answer to that!
I wonder if it is less that blogging is out and youtube vlogs are new and novel?
ReplyDeletePersonally the thought of doing a video and giving away my last portion of anonymity by booktubing makes me feel queasy, but I can definitely see how it is appealing. It has personality of the reader and it is easier to be enthusiastic. Depending on how you best communicate (I articulate myself better in writing) I can see it has it's pros and it's cons. Who knows maybe one day I'll give it a try, but probably not.
I recently discovered there are a whole load of young youtube vlogin stars, who are almost as famous as bands or actors - I'm not sure I'd be able to give that much of myself away - not that I necessarily think it is bad that others do.
Even though I am only 27 I feel like part of the midlife version of internet users, spurning more modern versions of expressing one's opinion on the net. I grew up when making a website like you can on blogger or wordpress wasn't even possible, blogging was new and I guess I am beginning to see it's saturation or possible decline. I forget I'm not a young discoverer anymore, working out the Youtube route.
Got to agree with you, bloggers love comments, well I certainly do, It's nice to interact with readers I don't get to in real life. I don't expect comments on my reviews, but only because I don't comment on reviews of books that I know won't interest me. Is that fair? Probably not. Do I judge on book covers and synopses? Yes. I have also found that the more I comment the more comments I get, but that those blogs with tons of commenters, don't tend to comment back. But that's okay, because I comment because I am interested, if I am not interested I won't comment. So I don't (and shouldn't) expect returns. I also know a lot of people lurk (like I used to.) I think I would rather have people reading, and not necessarily commenting because they feel they have to.
My problem is how to get noticed along side all the other awesome blogs, and how to hone my writing to make what I write appealing to read.
Yeah, recently I haven't been getting as many comments or views as I used to (though I admit that I am terrible at leaving comments and that I really need to comment more because I know how happy they make me feel when I get them and it's good to share the love) and I think you make a lot of really great points about why this might be happening. But I really hope that book blogs don't die out, because as much as I like to watch booktubers, I (and probably lots of bloggers) feel a lot more comfortable writing blog posts and reviews than filming my thoughts on them.
ReplyDeleteIt is disheartening, though, when you've been blogging for a long time and, like you say, expect to get a bigger readership over that time instead of seeing it get smaller or just remain the same with no growth at all over a long period of time. But as long as someone (besides myself) enjoys my blog or finds it useful, then it's not too bad.
But blogging better not be dying out! There are pros and cons to both blogging and vlogging, but I think that they're different enough to be able to both still, like, exist and do well. One does not completely top the other, you know?
So yeah. This is a really great post! And I'll be making sure to leave lots more comments from now on ;)
I think It is mainly book bloggers who read blogs. I'd love to say that as a reader I turned to bloggers to find my next read but I didn't. Before I started blogging I relied heavily on goodreads and whatever was on the shelf at the bookshop
ReplyDeleteOf course book blogging is relevant! Book bloggers are AWESOME. You've never seen a Twitter comment quoted on the cover of a new release now, have you? ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm a bookblogger but also a booktuber and what you say makes sense. My bookblog is not popular at all, my youtube account though gets much more comments and visits than my blog. I don't know why though, I like reading reviews on blogs but I also like to see reviews in a video.
ReplyDeleteI must admit I don't leave comments often, I guess that's just laziness. I try to leave more comments but like you said it's time consuming.
If you want to check out my YouTube channel, the link is http://www.youtube.com/lisreads
I've noticed less visitors this summer but I think that's down to the weather. I hardly bother checking my stats anymore as I really done care - I know I get visitors and most of them don't seem to be book bloggers, rather people searching for book reviews through Google.
ReplyDeleteI would never watch or make my own YouTube book review video and I don't think blogging is irrelevant, perhaps people have just gotten used to it.
I don't comment on blogs much anymore purely because I just don't have the time. But I still do visit and read whenever I can.
I'm blogging because I love it and enjoy it - for me and not for anyone else!
My book blog only seems to get comments on posts that are part of a book tour. Its kinda sad, but I really use the book blog as a way to keep track of what I'm reading for the most part.
ReplyDeleteSuch an interesting topic. This same topic is floating around with writer bloggers like me. There is definitely blogger fatigue there and I'm constantly seeing people come and go.
ReplyDeleteI'm an aspiring author who tries to promote books and authors. I so appreciate book review bloggers and try to read some posts and comment on them as well as my author friends. I've noticed a drop in comments and page views this year. I try to do some of the blog hop giveaways as they seem to be the most popular and I hope draw followers to my other posts. I only blog about books twice a week because I see fatigue in my followers if I blog more about books. I do them with giveaways because I get more comments and can afford to because I blog less.
I do think you have to follow people to get them to follow you and comment. At least that's what I've found.
I do have the feeling that blogging in general is on the decline. It seems like it's getting more difficult to catch someone attention or make your blog more unique I guess. Before a (blog)reader can apprechiate the content of the blog you have to have something that catches their attention first. It's like these days we rely more on the visual aspect...as in good quality pictures or a lot of them, cute buttons,header and what not.
ReplyDeleteI do like watching booktube videos but it kinda reminds me of a homeshopping channel. For example if I see a book haul ,a lot of books will catch my attention and I do feel like buying them right away. (Not saying that booktubers are doing it on purpose or anything)
Personally I prefer book reviews on blog more than on video...I don't know why but it seems more thoughtful and detailed than video reviews.
I have to say though that I'm not really into commenting in general and just got more into it recently. Because from past experiences it feels like commenting (whether it's on a blog or on youtube) is just one-sided.
I have seen some vlog for book hauls or read-a-thons and have enjoyed them since they are different and I can do other stuff like laundry or dishes while listening to them. I am not so talented when it comes to multitasking while reading blog posts. I have yet to see a full book review on vlog. I am sure I would enjoy it if the review is well thought out versus someone just yammering on and on about nothing.
ReplyDeleteThe majority of my visitors are other bloggers, which I think is the norm for most other bloggers. Of course I would love other people to check out on my blog, but I used Goodreads mostly before I became a blogger. It is convenience. You get a bunch of different opinions in one centralized location on an array of different books.
I disagree with it being outdated. And like you, I prefer to read than to watch a video. I read so much quicker than the amount of time it takes to watch a video. The comments can be depressing, but I do try to comment more now as well, and it seems to help! Great post to get us thinking though!
ReplyDeleteI don't think it is outdated. I'm still trying to figure out this whole blogging thing and get overwhelmed with trying to comment everywhere and keep up with meme's but I seriously love it. I haven't met anyone in person that truly loves to read or blogs (unfortunately) butt the blogging world has become that much more important to me. At the end of the day I love to read and that is all that matters.
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard of the BookTubing but I guess it makes sense since YouTube is so popular. I like watch the hauls but I can't imagine keeping up with YouTube and everyone's blogs. Like you I would rather read a review.
I don't think it's outdated; I just think it's become harder and harder to get people's attention. I hardly ever get any comments on my blog, which makes me sad. But then I go look at how many hits it got, and believe me, my posts that received the most hits have NO comments.
ReplyDeleteI think most people read reviews and then move on. If it's something they haven't yet read, they can't discuss, so they don't say anything. I've found it's the "things only bookworms will understand" kind of stuff that gets more people involved because everyone who reads can relate to things like that. My "literary pickup lines" post has the most comments, and it doesn't even have that many hits.
I was going to sum this up nicely, but I forgot what I thought when I started typing it, haha. And if BookTubing is what I think it is (review videos, etc.), I'm too lazy for it: instead of watching a 10-min video, I'd rather just skim through a long piece of writing.
I wasn't aware of the booktubing community until recently. I obviously don't have my finger on the pulse of what's hot!
ReplyDeleteI think the weather has played a part in the lack of comments and so has the loss of google reader.
also think that BookTubers are doing something different and new and a
lot of book bloggers continue to post the same content - mostly reviews
in the same format that they have for years. I think if book bloggers
want to stay relevant, they have to diversify the types of posts that
they produce.
So...I wasn't even aware that BookTubing was a Thing. I mean, I know that some people do it, but if you'd have asked me if it was popular, I don't know what I would have said--but certainly not ABSOLUTELY. Maybe this is because I don't hang out on Twitter and I run with an old-school blogging crowd (since when is three years old-school?!), but there you have it. I seem to have missed out entirely on this new trend.
ReplyDeleteAnd, incidentally, the idea of doing a video book review makes me want to hyperventilate, so if that IS the future of book blogging then I'm doomed to obsolescence.
I hadn't thought much about how all the drama and scandal had affected blogging--and again, I think this is because I stopped hanging out on Twitter. Lately, I've begun to wonder just how integral Twitter is to blogging (and community and commenting).
So, what it comes down to, is how much I'm willing to put into creating my blog (and, in turn, my bookish community). I'm with you on preparing blog posts on the weekend and being largely too busy to check on them during the week. I can also tell you right now that I wouldn't have the patience to watch a video review. I much prefer the ancient, outdated version of a written review.
I can't stand watching video reviews because it seems as though no-one ever actually thinks about what they're going to say before they open their mouths. If I hear one more 'well' or 'like' I swear I'll start screaming.
ReplyDeleteI much prefer to read a well thought out written review, and if it 'speaks' to me, I'll comment. We have to decide why we blog in the first place - is it because we love books and want to get the word out regardless, or is it so we can tell people I had 15 comments today?
I know we have regular readers who check us out for book recommendations at work (a library) and since that's why we started in the first place, I count us as successful. I read this blog every post - I get it by email - but I comment rarely. It's not a reflection on your work, just on my lack of time. Are we going out of fashion, maybe. Do we care, not really.
I became aware of BookTubing a while ago and I agree it seems to be more popular than book blogs. I have noticed less comments on my own blog and on other people's too, but more on BookTuber videos. That being said, I'm the kind of person that enjoys both mediums - I really like reading written reviews because they help me figure out what to buy etc. and I would be completely lost without them, but I also like watching the videos because they can be really funny and interactive and you get to see more personality. I wish I were charismatic enough to make such videos! I don't think book blogs are out just yet - publishers seem to still be relying on them, and it's easier to do stuff like blog tours on blogs rather than in videos. But that all might change some day, so I think well just have to wait and see.
ReplyDeleteLove this discussion post.... I bet you are right in that book blogging isn't as popular. I still prefer to read my reviews as opposed to watching them and I think I would be a HORRIBLE booktuber. (Is that even a name? I sound old here.) Unless people want to see me talk about books with my kid screaming in the background and oatmeal being flung at me. ha....that would be my video. But seriously though, I think that (hope!) it's just a fad and I think reading a review will never go out of style.
ReplyDeleteRegarding commenting, I don't always comment when I read a review, but I try to. Sometimes I get sidetracked and try to follow up later, but that doesn't always happen. I know that my blog probably hasn't had as much growth this year as in years past, but this summer (as you mentioned!) was tough b/c I was so busy as well. I never know what's going on in the book blogging community, but sometimes I get some whiffs of discontent or drama in which I roll my eyes immediately. Seriously. It's like high school.I try to just be a wallflower b/c I mean who has time for book blogging drama when there's enough drama IN REAL LIFE. :)
But back to Booktubing (that name sounds gross!), I think people are just curious to see what people look like, how they act, etc. It's probably easier for some people to listen than read. If you made a video review, I would definitely watch it and COMMENT! :) In fact, if you tried it, I may, just may, try it as well even though that would mean taming my unruly hair.
i totally agree about comments! my friend keeps on telling me it's because of summer but WE WILL SEE. seems like people are going back to school now. the lack of comments really bum me out. i feel like mostly book bloggers comment on blogs too. i know one of my friends definitely has non-book bloggers comment though.
ReplyDeletei really want to try booktubing! the problem is that i don't know how to make the videos look nice but once i do, i'll try it!
That is so right! I prefer writing/reading book reviews than watching/filming ones. I've never heard of book tubers either. Just wondering guys, I only started my blog a month or so ago, but I have no comments/likes/followers, but I do have quite a few page hits. I obviously don't book blog just for the likes/comments/followers, I blog for my passion of reading and writing. But is this normal? Does it take a while to get all that followers and stuff? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI've seen parts of this conversation in lots of places lately, which seems part of the problem--conversations are fragmented over social media and several different kinds of blogs. Personally, I don't watch videos or listen to podcasts; I read.
ReplyDeleteAs a veteran book blogger (since 2008), I've seen the engagement with other bloggers and the number of comments go down, and it is less rewarding unless a blogger articulates why she (he?) is writing and starts to follow a particular path. Eclectic--the old byword for book blogs--is giving way to specialization.
Not sure that's a bad thing.
I comment as much as I can but I get busy and read a lot of blog posts while on the run. Commenting on an iphone can be very painful. I do try to log on once a week and go through my bloglovin' feed and comment as much as possible then to make up for my lurking during the rest of the week.
ReplyDeleteI do not think book blogging is dead. I get ALL of my recommendations from other bloggers. Before I was a blogger myself, I read a lot of blogs and just never commented because I felt like more of an outsider (and because I didn't understand how happy commenting made bloggers).
As for BookTubing, I am not a fan. I prefer the written word because I find it forces many bloggers to refine their thoughts so I can get more concise feedback. I do however love things like #TeaTime where there is special livestreaming as a setting to just be excited about books together and squeal up a storm.
Thanks for the great comment! I agree on all your points; I too stopped doing memes because they are just so time-consuming as is blogging in its entirety really -leaving comments etc. I think that sometimes people are more into commenting on twitter. I know I often get replies to blog posts on there. Maybe it's just faster to comment that way if people are using their phones etc.
ReplyDeleteInteresting post- I have 2 blogs- one is a general chatter and writing blog- somewhere when I post I get a heap of comments... or I do if I reciprocate. On my book review blog however, a comment is rare- and yet I still get a decent hit-rate- I think readers of book reviews are just hopping around, mopping up ideas on what to read next- they're not really looking to communicate with the personality behind the review...
ReplyDeleteAnd BookTubing? That's new to me too :)
Yeah, I guess it's difficult to leave a review for a book you haven't read yet. It's like leaving a comment just for the sake of leaving a comment/repaying the favour. I'm was really interested in finding out if non-bloggers read blogs, but judging by the comments here (most or all book bloggers, I think) that would be a no. :)
ReplyDeleteI recently discovered those superstar booktubers too (I wonder if we're talking about the same lot - Zoe, Alfie etc?) I had no idea that they were out there and so popular. I'm with you, the thought of booktubing makes me feel quite queasy. It's definitely not for me. I just don't have the kind of outgoing personality that's required for videos etc. and also like you I articulate myself better in writing.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment! I always expected that if I put in the ground work with this blog that it would look after itself after a while. A wise blogger once told me, though, that that doesn't really happen where book blogs are concerned. She was right.
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not, I didn't find out about Goodreads until I started blogging. Most of my book recommendation, back then came from Librarything and Amazon. Then I went and abandoned LT for GR.
ReplyDeleteI will definitely check out your YouTube channel - thanks! :)
ReplyDeleteThat's actually why I started this blog - just to keep track of what I was reading. It kind of snowballed from there.
ReplyDeleteMy find was Tyler Oakley mainly, he's not a booktuber, but he is massive - essentially for doing a video diary and loving One Direction. He is hilarious and gregarious, but it is so freaky that (much like our TV celebs) he is famous for being famous.
ReplyDeleteThat's what I've found too. I've found a drop in blogger activity overall in the last year or so. A lot of the blogs I used to read daily are now defunct, and because I no longer partake in memes I haven't found all that many new blogs to follow.
ReplyDelete^I found that guy too. He's friends with Zoe and Alfie. Those two are dating and they are known by their fans -the have a huge fanbase- as Zalfie.
ReplyDeleteI think commenting can be very one-sided. I try to take the time to reply to comments, but I only started doing that when I installed disqus and I knew that at least some people would get notifications. Before that I didn't have any notification system set up so it was all kind of one-sided.
ReplyDeleteI feel like an old person when faced with new technology here, but 'this completely baffles me!?!' I'm worried they're giving too much away. I think I've heard of Zoe (Zoella makeup blog?) not Alfie though.
ReplyDeleteEdit: Just found a video of them together, oh my.
I hadn't heard of booktubing until a week or so ago. It seems to be really popular though! I'm glad you're enjoying blogging. It's a fun hobby, for sure. :)
ReplyDeleteLol! Yep. Apparently people were speculating if they were a thing for months before she confirmed it on her blog. I'm pretty sure Zalfie fanfiction is a thing too.
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid, so very afraid.
ReplyDeleteIf I don't leave comments on other blogs, I don't get comments either. I think it's the same for the majority of book blogs bar maybe one or two of the big guns. As long as people are reading I guess it's all good. :)
ReplyDeleteYeah, booktubing is a total thing. I just heard of it but I think it's been around for a while now.
I admit to being slightly addicted to her clothes and make-up hauls. :D
ReplyDelete*whispers* I may love Tyler Oakly just a little...
ReplyDeleteI'm the same with booktubing, so me either - I am totally out of the loop!
ReplyDeleteHe's a very funny guy! :)
ReplyDeleteThe thought of doing a video book review pretty much has the same effect on me, so I'm right there with you. It is a thing though - I checked out a few booktubers and they are really popular - lots of hits and comments.
ReplyDeleteI spend a lot of time on twitter and it's good for book chats/meeting new bloggers etc. I also find that people will comment on my reviews on twitter rather than visiting the blog. I don't really know why that is; maybe just quicker and easier on twitter.
Video reviews are not for me either - I much prefer the written word. Thanks for subscribing to the blog and for reading every post - I appreciate it. :)
ReplyDeleteYeah, it'll be interesting to see how everything turns out and if publishers dump us in favour of booktubers. ;)
ReplyDeleteHa! I think that would make a very fun (oatmeal) video! ;) I think this summer was really slow overall in the blogging world. As you know, I love my summer reads, but I'm thinking maybe in future instead of blogging full time in the summer I'll take the summer off and just do a round up of favourite summer books at the end of summer...Maybe.
ReplyDeleteAnd, oh, booktubing is a total thing! I'm so not making any videos, though. So not for me!
I like getting comments too - I think everyone does. This summer has been SLOW!
ReplyDeleteI would so watch your booktube/youtube channel. Can't wait for you to try it! :)
It does take a while to get followers. When I started out I found that the best way to reach out to the community was by partaking in Follow Friday and Feature and Follow Hop at Crazy for Books and Parajunkee. Hosting a giveaway is another quick way to up your follower count.
ReplyDeleteGeneral chatter/lifestyle blogs seem to be much more popular than book blogs in terms of comments. I really don't know what it is about book blogs and lack of comments - it's still a mystery!
ReplyDeleteI've only ever seen YA bloggers do it. Would be cool if someone did a Russian lit vlog or something, hehe.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree that you have to post comments on other blogs in order to get them yourself - I find it really time-consuming going from blog to blog commenting and haven't done it a lot recently, as a result I've noticed fewer comments on my blog on feature posts that used to get tons :( I don't think blogging is going out of fashion though - I've only had my blog for a couple of months so am pretty new to this but I still really enjoy looking on other people's blogs for book reviews and just general book thoughts rather than going on amazon, and I'm still really enjoying running my blog. Even if I don't get many comments I know some people who are still reading my rambles :P
ReplyDeleteGreat post. Just found your blog on twitter and will definitely come back :)
Charl x
Hmm, I think the comments on my blog are about the same. The only thing I always notice is that reviews about popular books get more comments than older ones, because most people only comment on books they know/have read. I do spend a lot of time commenting and so far, so good. I really hope that blogging isn't outdated - perhaps this is just a little slump. I see many bloggers on hiatus because they are busy this time of the year, that might play a role :)
ReplyDeleteI don't like to see reviews, I prefer to read them. The hauls however are a lot of fun and I'm actually thinking about incorporating vlogs too. I've been too scared before, but more bloggers are doing it and I really like to watch it.
Great topic, thanks for sharing.
I just started my blog at the start of August and it is very hard to get anyone to notice my blog. I get a good few comments on the memes I do but only sometimes on the reviews. It is hard to post it and not know if anyone sees it or even cares. I try to comment on blogs but its time consuming and I have 4 boys. I did say at the start of blogging that I'm not going to worry too much about stats etc and I'm not, I went into blogging knowing that most of the time nobody comments. I won't ever go to YouTube for recommendations nor reviews, I will always read the review on a blog I follow but I mighten get a chance to comment!!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you'd started blogging, Natalie. Leave me a link so I can go have a read. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much :-) I'll see how it goes with the blog but its hard work!!!
ReplyDeleteMy stats have been down this summer as well but I put that down to the unusually gorgeous UK summer and the loss of Google Reader rather than blogging falling out of fashion. I LOVED this post it gave me a lot of food for thought!
ReplyDeleteI tend to only comment on my favourite blogs because I like to support them and I return the comment love to bloggers who have taken the time to comment on my posts. I mainly get comments from bloggers but I do occasionally get comments from none-bloggers too.
I follow a few booktubers and admit that the sheer amount of comments/views/subscribers is staggering and a little intimidating. I only watch a few peoples video's regularly and that's because I really have to like someone and have the same taste in books to sit through what is sometimes ten minutes of them talking. It's so much quicker to read a blog post! Whilst I enjoy their book hauls and tag videos I prefer a written review simply because I feel like vlog reviews are just a stream of conciousness and written reviews just seem better put together and more detailed and thought out.
I think people leave more comments on videos rather than blog posts because video's are more conversational and personal. After watching someone for months you get the sense that you know them and have that feeling of wanting to talk like a friend. With blogging you can remain fairly anonymous and I feel like the reader doesn't have the same relationship with a blogger as they do a vlogger because of this.
I feel like there will always be a place for book bloggers in the book industry and I also think that booktubers should get more recognition for what they do. I've never seen a booktuber quoted in a book, or an author exclusively revealing something on their channel, heck only a few of them (who also have blogs) receive review copies and I feel like we should share the love. There is room for everyone and the more people who are promoting books and getting people reading the better right? Take newspapers for example they didn't go out of fashion as soon as the news hit TV screens. People can enjoy both and have the best of both worlds.
I think this is possibly my longest comment ever! To sum up I enjoy both bloggers and booktubers for different reasons and think both can be enjoyed and appreciated for different reasons. Will book blogging go out of fashion? Maybe one day. But while there is still somebody reading my blog and getting recommendations from it I'll be here, continuing to do what I love and spreading the book love in any way that I can.
Summer's definitely been quiet, though I'm a little surprised by how quiet it's been this week, too. It does take a long time to comment on other blogs, but I genuinely do like seeing what people are reading or talking about--I just don't always have time for it! Just answering comments on our own blog takes forever, too.
ReplyDeleteThis whole BookTubing thing is weird to me, because I rarely even watch vlogs, book trailers, etc. I can't imagine the majority of people who love reading the written word would prefer that to reading a review, but who knows--maybe I'm outdated and out of touch, too. RIGHT THERE WITH YOU, LEANNA.
Wendy @ The Midnight Garden
I love browsing book review blogs, sometimes before reading a book (or before deciding whether to read one), sometimes after reading a book, and sometimes just to learn about new titles I didn't even know existed! :) I comment sometimes, but I often find that about 50 other people have already said the exact same thing I was thinking, so in that case I usually don't write anything.
ReplyDeleteI don't leave negative comments, or ever start arguments with people online. But that's just me, haha... I dislike confrontations.
xo leanna
Hey no problem! :) But people reply on twitter? That's cool. Haha, my twitter feed is crazy so I don't really check it all the time for new tweets cause it's just so daunting. :P
ReplyDeleteDear bloggers: Love you to death. Now get out there and start partnering with newspapers who are universally experiencing a decline in readership and whose books sections are becoming a thing of the past. Make a pitch - tell them you can bring traffic to their sites because of your social networking prowess. I even did a blog posting about it here: http://sean-cummings.ca/2013/01/29/dear-failing-newspaper-book-sections-bloggers-are-your-salvation/
ReplyDeleteI'm not a book blogger, but I've been reading blogs for six years (I'm 24 now). I only read a few blogs regularly, though, because it takes up a lot of time. The blogs I read have well-written, thoughtful reviews, as well as interesting discussions. I also read a few author blogs, mainly for the writing tips.
ReplyDeleteI've always relied on book blogs to find new books to read. I never just pick out a book in a book store, because I don't want to waste time reading a book I really don't like. Lately, I've also used Goodreads to pick the next book to read, because of the variety of reviews.
I almost never comment on blogs. The main reason is that it's time consuming. And I don't have much to say after reading a review (other than 'the book sounds interesting' or 'well-written review!'), so I don't bother to comment.
I find my blog having a decline in comments lately. I does bother me even if I try to not let it get to me. And yes, BookTube is a fad I was oblivious to until recently. I guess it feels more realistic seeing a book lover than reading them. My prediction is that it'll fade into time. They always do. Alternatives for pure book blogging rarely work out. Tumblr, for example.
ReplyDeleteGreat post by the way! ^-^
I rarely get comments anymore. It doesn't seem to matter how much I post on other people's blogs. I don't get very many page views, either. Maybe it's because I don't do BookTubing. (I don't even watch video reviews; why would I make one?)
ReplyDeleteMy book blog is mostly for myself these days. It's just a place to keep track of my thoughts on the books I've read.
I don't even watch mailbox videos >.> Often I'm surfing while in class or watching TV with the boyfriend so I can't turn on my sound to listen anyway D: I much prefer scanning through posts to find paragraphs I want to read :D
ReplyDeleteI'm a newer blogger (started in June) so I can't compare my stats to a previous summer's, but it's been pretty difficult to find followers and even get comments. Some of that I attribute to me not reaching out as much as maybe I should. I don't use Twitter much and that seems to be what all the advice says to do: go on Twitter. I'm burned out on Twitter after having used it for several years for personal things. Most of the people who do visit, or at least the ones who comment, have blogs. I know I didn't visit book blogs for reviews before I started mine. I just went to Goodreads. I would see links to people's blogs in their reviews, but unless I had to click through to read the full review, I wouldn't. Even then, sometimes I would just skip that review and move on to the next one.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like there are so many blogs and more starting up each day that maybe all the comments you used to get are being spread out between more blogs.
I have a friend who vlogs (not about books) and although she doesn't have a huge following, she seems to do quite well. She even goes to cons for them. BookTubes are not something I'm interested in. I've never even watched one of hers. I usually have the TV on when I'm online, so my computer's sound is muted.
I go to goodreads first when looking for specific book reviews, but as a book blogger, most of my initial recommendations come from other book bloggers. I have noticed what you mean about having to constantly put work into commenting in order to get any comments. And I'm alright with that because it means I have a lot of great relationships with other book bloggers because we all reciprocate comments. However, it is a little discouraging to notice the massive drop in views if I don't post or have time to comment in a given week. That said, I'm a pretty small blog and I still get some hits from search engines, so I'm sure some non-book-bloggers are hitting us up for reviews :)
ReplyDeleteI don't know if I've ever been part of a blogging community as such. I have a very small group that I regularly interact with that have become very good friends, so I will regularly check what they're posting. I have a lot more blogs that I follow, but I won't leave a comment for the sake of leaving a comment - if a post or review interests me and I think I having a relevant opinion to add, then I will comment - like on this post for example!
ReplyDeleteIn terms of whether blogging has gone out of fashion, well I'm not too bothered personally - I do it because I enjoy it, and knowing that somebody has read a post is just a bonus!
Brilliant brilliant post. I haven't been able to access blogs or social media because of school's internet security. I feel like I've been living in a bubble and my blog has suffered for it as well :( Interacting is a HUGE thing as a blogger. I need to make more time to do just that *stops eating & sleeping*
ReplyDeleteWhile I don't know if I was really aware of a decline or whatever you want to call it, I think, in the back of my mind, I wondered where all this was going. I'm really bad at commenting but I blame that (correctly or not) on the fact that I have a hard time finding blogs that review the books I read (not YA). I've thought about doing videos but then I think about the equipment I'd need and new skills I'd need to learn and wonder if it's worth it. Apparently it is! Thanks for this post!
ReplyDeleteHello! I wanted to leave a comment because I am just a reader and not a fellow book blogger. I am a librarian, however. I read a fair number of book blogs to see what to read next and what books I should order for the library. But I don't often comment unless something really strikes me, like a strong agreement or disagreement with what was written.
ReplyDeleteI am not into book video trailers and had never heard of booktubing! I'm intrigued but I really love just using my feed reader to follow the blogs I'm interested in. And using the feed reader doesn't make it as easy to leave comments, either...
Bloggers on blogs or Goodreads are still my first choice for determining whether I'll buy or read a book. I didn't even know anything like BookTubing existed!
ReplyDeleteIn terms of comments, I'm not getting as many but I feel like there are a few reasons for that: a) a lot of my blogging friends have quit blogging, b) some of my blogging friends aren't commenting as much (which I totally understand because I've gotten a lot busier myself and am not commenting as much either) and c) I'm not posting as much.
Would I ever go into BookTubing or watch BookTubers? Hell no! First off, if I can't find the time to read a 1-2 minute post, there's no way I'm going to be sitting around watching a 5 minute video. I'd also never become a BookTuber because I hate getting even photos taken so the last thing I'd be doing is recording videos of myself voluntarily. And then putting them up on the Internet where they can be seen by anybody ... *shudder*
Great topic. You're right that it's kind of fallen out of fashion. But you know what? I do it because I LOVE it. I love writing the reviews and seeing what I think of series, making book memes and posts, taking pictures of new book arrivals, discussions, the graphics of the page. So even if no one pays attention, at least I can look back over the years and remember what I did with the books and how they affected me. My memory is poor so I lean on stuff like that more. It also helps with stress, is a fun hobby, and adds tons to my reading existence - find different book genres, and open myself up to so much.
ReplyDeleteI personally love my small book blog. I do it for myself because it is a hobby I thoroughly enjoy. Yes I love comments and views just as much as every other person. I took a three month break because of college and that is the main reason I blame myself for not having a lot of comments. Since I have come back in full force I have noticed people are starting to pay attention again. I'm trying to get back to commenting on blogs that I love. Sometimes yes it does feel like I have to entice people to come view my blog by commenting on theirs, but I also really love a genuine comment when I can get one.
ReplyDeleteBit late to the party here but I'm not a book blogger, just a reader (though I do occasionally blog myself on general things).
ReplyDeleteHowever there are a pile of book blogs I have on my RSS feed and they're the place I get recommendations for - things that make me recognise a book in a shop (or online) and will often pick things up because a blogger has recommended it. I'm not a fan of BookTubers; I can skim read an article quicker than watching a video and I find I enjoy them more. Even when the blogs I follow put up a video I rarely watch them.
Over the years I've stopped commenting on things, mainly because I'm not sure what I'd say other than "that's cool, I might pick that book up". But perhaps something short is better than nothing at all. I'd certainly like the bloggers to know I appreciate their blogs.
Excellent post!
ReplyDeleteI have also been receiving less comments on my blog lately, and I have seen on Twitter that other book bloggers have noticed that too. I think maybe people aren't commenting because they are busy, or don't know what to say when leaving a comment or maybe don't even read the whole post. When I read a post/review, I try and comment, because it sucks seeing that you have over 100+ views on a post and only two comments.
I think Booktubing is becoming more popular than actual blogging. I love watching book haul videos and book meme videos but I'm not so keen on watching a book review. I prefer reading reviews.
I hope that blogging isn't going out of fashion because I love reading blog posts and discussing it with other book bloggers and sometimes it's harder to do interact on Youtube.
I've definitely experienced a decline in the number of comments on my blog. I think it's mostly because I've not posted as often in the last year or commented much on other people's blogs due to being busy or just not in the mood. This year I'm trying to make more of an effort to engage with my readers and with other bloggers. I think part of the problem is that the sheer volume of book blogs is overwhelming and makes it seem like a bit of a chore to scroll through your feed, visit everyone and leave a comment. It can take hours! I use Bloglovin', but can only manage to read a few posts a day.
ReplyDeleteI personally go to Goodreads if I'm looking for a book review, but if I'm looking for new reading material I will browse blogs looking for book tours or cover reveals.
As far as BookTubing goes, I didn't know it had a name either. I think I prefer reading reviews to watching them. I would consider making some videos but really I think I would be nervous and tongue-tied in front of a camera-I much prefer to type as I'm not exactly photogenic!
It's always good to know that people are reading even if they are not commenting. :)
ReplyDeleteAhh, commenting! It is disheartening! In the last couple of weeks, I thought I did two of my best reviews, but they didn't get many hits. Mais c'est la vie! Eventually I'll port to Amazon/Goodreads! I also wish I knew the majority of who read. Good point! Who are our readers? You've raised so many good points! BookTubing isn't for me, either. And I have hearing issues, so I can't stay and listen for hours! I'd rather read them!
ReplyDeleteI've been book blogging for a year now and I noticed that it can be quite a lonely thing to do. You spend hours sat in front of a computer trying to write a good post and 9 times out of 10 you're not very happy with it. True, I never dedicated a huge amount of time to my blog and haven't attempted to engage in the blogging community. (and when I have my comments are normally ignored...) So when I discovered a group of people on Youtube who are happy to talk about books on a camera I was naturally quite excited.
ReplyDeleteIt promised a community and people who you could learn to like and watch their videos frequently (an early example of this could be the vlogbrothers. At the beginning they were unskilled and uncomfortable on a camera but now they are revered as online legends!)
So after a bit of thought I filmed a video and I enjoyed it and have chatted to people about books and planned to read with people- an opportunity that I need had when I was blogging.
But I still really enjoy blogging and writing good, in-depth articles instead of rambling into camera so perhaps what we need is a balance and events that bring together the two communities- as both have a lot to offer:)
blogger + youtube - scottreadsbooks
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I'm book blogger too. And, my reviews rarely have many comment.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I Participate in memes, and voila!. The comments getting
crazy. I think most of book bloggers experienced this as well