Sunday, 16 March 2014

Stacking The Shelves #4 - New Books From Cat Clarke, Philippa Gregory, Laini Taylor & More!

Stacking The Shelves is hosted at Tynga's Reviews.
Links Lead to Goodreads

Received for Review

I delved into A Kiss in the Dark pretty much as soon as it arrived, and I'm glad to report that this is yet another read-it-in-one-sitting page-turner from Cat Clarke. Expect my review in early April along with a Q&A with Cat.

I usually steer clear of Fantasy. With few exceptions, it's really not my kind of thing. However, I've been hearing good things about The Winner's Curse, so I decided to give it a try. The synopsis piqued my interest, as did the 4.23 Goodreads average.

Amity: For fans of Stephen King and American Horror Story. Inspired by the Amityville Horror. Sold.

How to Fall: YA crime/mystery/thriller - Yes, please. I want to read more YA of this type, and I've been meaning to check out something by Jane Casey for a while now.

Unravelling Oliver: Adult psychological suspense. This is the opening line: 'I expected more of a reaction the first time I hit her.' Sold. I've heard this is a very good read.


Follow the Links: This week, I guest bogged about YA Thrillers at #Hashtag Reads. I also discussed the perils of Book Buzz and Marketing Hype in this post: Book Hype:  Do You Buy It? Have You Been Burnt By It?

Current Read: Dead Silence by Kimberly Derting.

That's it for this week! Leave your thoughts and links in comments!

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