Thursday, 15 August 2013

Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters Trailer - What's Your Verdict?

 So, the trailer for Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters is finally here. What do you think, VA fans? From what I can see, reactions are very mixed on this one. And I can see why, but I'm not passing final judgement until I see the movie. I will say that it's not what I was expecting. It's a little more CW than I thought it would be, and the fangs are a little, um, comedy, maybe. 

Still, I'm holding judgement. I love the Vampire Academy books and I'm crossing my fingers that the movie will be a good one!

What do you think?

Also, I've already had this conversation on Twitter, but who else thinks that the trailer is Lissa overkill?(I never was her biggest fan!)  I'd like to see more of Dimitri. I know a lot of people weren't sold on his casting, so it'd be good find out more!


  1. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark15 August 2013 at 15:50

    I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THIS! Though I agree Leanna, it does feel a little more CW than I'd prefer, but like you, I'm going to wait until I see the movie in its entirety before I pass judgment. I do think Dimitri looks BADASS in his duster in that one scene, and Rose was looking badass at the end with her stake, so that has me really excited. I'm not sure how I feel about Lissa, but I guess we'll see!

  2. It's definitely glitzier (right at the start) than I thought it would be. Gossip Girl with fangs sprang to mind! Still, I'm hoping the movie does well and that we get a second instalment because I want to see Adrian Ivashkov on the big screen. SO BAD!

  3. Liz @ Planet Print15 August 2013 at 16:35

    Just going to outright say that I hated this trailer. What have they done?! It was so cheesy and ugh (the music!) and the scene between Lissa and Rose was awful and awkward. They changed it just to make it more attention-grabbing. Definitely not the same vibe the book gives off. And don't even get me started on the cast. Lissa is wrong, Dimitri is SO WRONG and honestly, I don't think I'll be watching this... Ahem. Sorry for the rant :P.

  4. So, you didn't like it, huh...? :-p I totally know what you mean. It's not what I was expecting either. I'll watch the movie and let you know how good/awful it is!

  5. Hmmm. I think I'm going to reserve judgement as well. Initial /random thoughts; Very CW-ish, I kinda dig the music, jeez Lissa has got a HUGE mouth.

  6. I'm definitely waiting for the movie to pass final judgment but I'm having my doubts. I dot really like the cast to much and the trailer's giving off a different vibe than what the book did. It looks like a typical vampire and blood movie when it's really not. It's deeper than that. I just hope the movie is really gud and accurate.

  7. Totally agree about the fangs!!! And it's good that you're keeping an open mind for now... I had a little ramble myself:

  8. Yes she does! HUGE!

  9. The trailer definitely gives off a different vibe from the book - it looks nothing like I expected!

  10. Ha! A lot of people have had a little ramble about this. I'll go take a look at yours! :)

  11. I agree with you about the trailblazer, Gossip Girl with fangs! Not what I was expecting. I am a huge VA fan and hope the movies live up to the books. I loved Rose and Dimitri, but I also cannot wait to see Adrian Ivashkov!

  12. ChristinaBookAddict16 August 2013 at 15:33

    You are so right...I think that is what I find annoying about it--it definitely has a CW vibe to it. I agree....we need more Dimitri and less Lissa. I am not a huge fan of the Dimitri casting...we will see though. I am holding out hope b/c I LOVE this series. I think the casting for Rose though is good.

  13. I personally think the trailer looks awesome, although I have heard a lot of mixed things. I like the CW, so that may be part of why I don't mind it being more dramatic/comedic as much. Great post! :)

    -Montana @ The Book Belles

  14. Me too! I'm so excited to see Adrian! I hope this first movie is a success and they make more! :)

  15. I like the CW too (I mean, I like Vampire Diaries - that is my only CW show). I just thought the trailer would have a different feel to it. But I'll hold out for the movie to make final judgement.

  16. Everyone I know wanted Ben Barnes as Dimitri!

  17. I read Vampire Academy and thought it was great...Blood Promise was even better! Is this going to be Twilight revisited? The characters I have pictured in my head, look nothing like what is depicted in the movie with many great books, they go and ruin it with a movie......

  18. I know! I really hope that doesn't happen here! :/


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