Today I'm kicking off the blog tour for Cynthia Hand's Hallowed today with a very fun Dream Movie Cast guest post from the author herself. If you ever wanted to find out who Cynthia would pick to play Clara, Christian, Tucker and your other favourite characters from the books, now's your chance to find out!
I have to say that Rachel Hurd-Wood is exactly how I picture Clara! Zac Efron is pretty much a no-brainer as Christian, although saying that, I also picture Chace Crawford in the role. I've always pictured (Mean Girls era) Lizzie Caplan in the Angela role, although now I think Vanessa Hudgens is an even better choice!
What do you think?
Unearthly is currently in development at the CW to be made into a television series, so I’ve actually given quite a lot of thought to how Unearthly might work on the big (and little) screen. I should be hearing pretty soon whether it’s been greenlighted to shoot a pilot, which is so exciting and surreal that I can hardly believe it. So, like I said, I’ve given a lot of thought to the kind of actors that I’d want to play my characters. Here are my top choices. (Please keep in mind that this is my dream/fantasy cast for a feature film, not what I think would be a realistic cast for my CW show. . .)
#1 Anna Sophia Robb
There’s a real celestial quality to this actress, a sweet (and dare I say unearthly?) beauty to her, but also a feistiness and a sense of goofiness, which I think is key for Clara. My Clara has to be able to laugh at herself, and has to be strong, in both body and spirit, and has to have a soulful quality, in her eyes especially, and I think Miss Robb could pull that off. I have to giggle at choosing ASR though, because if you look up the dream cast of any author where her main character is a blond, she will inevitably pick Anna Sophia Robb, too. I bet that girl doesn’t have any trouble finding a job. So I guess it makes me feels less unique to pick her, but I truly think she would be a great cast for Clara.
#2. Rachel Hurd-Wood
#3 Elle Fanning
#4 Saoirse Ronan
Now on to what you’re really waiting for, the boys.
Sigh. I wish I knew the names of more teenage boy actors. None of the ones I’ve stumbled over come close to either what Tucker or Christian look like in my head. But I will give it my best try.
Christian #1 Zac Efron
Christian #2—Cameron Bright
Okay, okay, calm down. Here comes my Tucker picks, which were even harder!
Tucker #1—Kellan Lutz
(Part of me still can’t believe that this guy might have read Unearthly. This thing I made up. Sprung from my brain cells. And he read it. Maybe. It kills me.)
Which brings me to my next too-old Tucker pick: Tucker #2 Liam Hemsworth
Again, he’s too old! But he’s got the farm-boy vibe and the stormy blue eyes, so he’s my next best choice. Seriously, though. I don’t know of an actor who would make a perfect Tucker. I just have to have faith that he’s out there, in all his blue-eyed, dimpled glory.
For Angela I would choose someone dark-haired and sassy, Maybe Vanessa Hudgens or Vanessa Morano (she could get the know-it-all-edness of Angela down perfectly, I think), Lucy Hale would be a good pick, or maybe even Selena Gomez.
But I have 2 other choices here.
#1 Charlize Theron
Okay, can’t pass up the pic of CT with Anna Sophia Robb. Now picture CT with long auburn hair and give both of them blue eyes. They’d make a pretty fine Maggie and Clara. Plus Charlene is sarcastic as all get-out, from what I gather, which would be great for Maggie.
#2—Nicole Kidman
Nicole Kidman is actually perfect for Maggie. She’s got the right coloring, red hair, blue eyes, and she’s funny and gorgeous. And she apparently loves butterflies. . .
I also like Naomi Watts or Elizabeth Banks or Gwyneth Paltrow, as they all have equal parts beauty and sass.
But here’s the thing:
Nobody is a perfect fit. All of my characters were very distinctive in my mind, and none of them were based on specific actors. And part of the fun and magic of seeing your work move from the page to the screen is being surprised and delighted by the new ways your characters are interpreted. If (fingers crossed) Unearthly does become a series on the CW, I hope that the actors can ACT, that’s the main thing. I don’t care whether they have the exact look that was in my mind when I was writing so much as I care about how they embody the spirit of that character.
Hallowed (Unearthly #2) by Cynthia Hand is out now from Egmont, £6.99.