Lila Shortcuts by Sarah Alderson || Release date: October 1st 2013.
Five compelling new
short stories based in the world of HUNTING LILA. Told from the
perspectives of Alex, Jack, Demos, Amber and Suki - fans of this
thrilling series now have a chance to delve into the minds of other
characters, and see what they really think!
Character Interview: Suki Nakamura
1. Suki, did your dad ever find out about his credit card bill? What did he say?
It wasn't that much money considering that I got a lot of wear out of those shoes and when you buy designer, like I told him, you are paying for art. But my dad doesn't understand fashion. He just understands numbers. He thought maybe the card had been stolen. I thought about lying and telling him it had been but Nate told me I had to be honest. Now, thanks to him I have no credit card and am having to ebay my clothes as I'm penniless and destitute. My dad wants me to stand on my own two feet. Bare feet.
2. We don't know much about your life before you joined Demos's group - tell us a bit more about where you're from.
I grew up in Tokyo. My mother is a housewife and my father he is a businessman. He works all the time and my mum shops all the time and watches daytime TV because she is lonely and looking to fill the void with empty consumerism according to my dad. I don't want to go back to Tokyo. Too many people, too many crazy thoughts and manic energy. I can't stay sane there. But my grandma is really cool. She is a Buddhist nun. And she is just like me. She hears thoughts too. Now she lives on top of a mountain at a monastery chanting and meditating all day trying to find the quiet. She tried to teach me but I can't switch it off. Maybe one day I too will become a nun like her. But not yet. I'm not ready to renounce fashion and boys.
3. What do you look for in a man?
No mentalness or creepy weird thoughts or thoughts of a perverted nature. This rules out 95% of the entire male population of the world. And then, the other 5% aren't always so pretty and this is why I have no boyfriend. Alex is the exception.
I would look for Alex in a man.
4. When you first met Lila what did you think?
I thought who is this girl because I didn't know Jack had a sister. Then when I read her mind and realised she was Jack's sister and that she was one of us I was so excited I thought I might pop right there on the sidewalk. I knew I had to go find Demos and tell him straight away.
5. When Demos told you to stay put on the boat you didn't listen, why?
So many voices, so many thoughts...sometimes I get confused and don't hear so well.
6. What are you and Nate up to these days?
When I am not ebaying my clothes I am giving Nate advice on boys, listening to him jabber on about One Direction and James Franco, trying to stop his grandmother from forcing more food down my throat (she thinks I'm too skinny and need fattening up so I have nice childbearing hips for when Nate and I have babies...), listening to the gospel choir on the radio, ignoring my dad's phone calls (until he decides to give me back my credit card), trying to think up ways to earn money so Nate and I can buy a big condo in LA and I can start my own fashion label... you know, that kind of thing.
So, Suki would look for Alex in a man, eh? Good answer!
To read more about Suki and the other characters in the Hunting Lila series (including Alex) check out Lila Shortcuts, out now in eBook format.
Keep up with Sarah Alderson on Twitter: @sarahalderson