Today I have the lovely C.J. Flood on the blog as part of the Infinite Sky Blog Tour. I just started reading Infinite Sky last night and will be reviewing on the blog next week, but for now you can read all about C.J's life as a debut author!
Hi C.J! Congrats on the publication of Infinite Sky. What inspired you to write the story of Iris and Trick?
Thank you! I have always loved coming of age novels, and so began writing about a teenage protagonist. I didn't really know what the story was for a long time - until Trick arrived really. Once I had the idea of including a family of travellers, the story started to come together.
Can you give me a run down of your path to publication rom those initial inspirations right up to when you got the phone call informing you that Infinite Sky had sold and you were going to be an actual published author?
Well, it took about three years from inception to book deal. I think my path was sped up by my decision to do an MA at UEA. My writing improved so much in that year, and then I met my agent at one of the meetings the university set up. I was in London when I heard that we had our first offer, and my phone was broken (I have a bad history with phones) so most of the news came to me via email. It was so strange! We got a little offer first, and then another and then another. I mostly shared the news with my dad as I was living at home. He was so excited for me. He used to ask every day if Catherine the Great had called (that's what he calls my agent) and if we had another offer.
How did you celebrate that piece of exciting news?
I am not sure I celebrated it properly. I think I was too excited, and forgot! I had a pretty celebratory year after though, I went on a few holidays and caught up with all my friends that I'd neglected for years because of lack of money/spending so much spare time on the book.
What are your top tips for any aspiring authors out there?
Read and write a lot, and generally pay attention to the world around you. Have experiences, be curious, listen to people. Oh, and don't give up! That's important.
Read and write a lot, and generally pay attention to the world around you. Have experiences, be curious, listen to people. Oh, and don't give up! That's important.
Infinite Sky has garnered a lot of positive reviews amongst lucky early readers and the book is certainly striking a chord with its audience. Name some other books you would recommend to anyone who enjoyed Infinite Sky?
Good question! And thanks, I am so pleased that people seem to be enjoying it. I would recommend Meg Rosoff's How I Live Now, Jenny Downham's Before I Die, Annabel Pitcher's My Sister Lives in the Mantlepiece, David Almond's Jackdaw Summer and also some old classics like I Capture the Castle, A Kestrel for a Knave, The Outsiders. Ah, so many!
Good question! And thanks, I am so pleased that people seem to be enjoying it. I would recommend Meg Rosoff's How I Live Now, Jenny Downham's Before I Die, Annabel Pitcher's My Sister Lives in the Mantlepiece, David Almond's Jackdaw Summer and also some old classics like I Capture the Castle, A Kestrel for a Knave, The Outsiders. Ah, so many!
What are you working on now? Do you have any exciting projects in the works?
I'm working on my second novel, which is hopefully going to come out next February. It's about a teenage girl's search for her missing brother, and is about friendship and adventure and heroism. I'm also working on a collection of short stories.
I'm working on my second novel, which is hopefully going to come out next February. It's about a teenage girl's search for her missing brother, and is about friendship and adventure and heroism. I'm also working on a collection of short stories.