Sunday 5 February 2012


So. As if I needed another online distraction, I signed up to Pinterest a couple days ago. If you don't already know, Pinterest is an online pin board where you can share and organise the things you love. From books, to food (OMG! The food pics!) and everything else, all you have to do is Pin It! Facebook was not for me, and I never could navigate Tumblr, but I admit it, I fell in love with Pinterest at first sight. I have a ton of pictures of pretty things languishing in folders on my laptop where nobody but me ever sees them, and now I can share them with the world. Fun, huh!

Are you on Pinterest? Leave me your link so I can go see what you've been Pinning!

You can find me here:

Follow Me on Pinterest

I'll be Pinning book stuff for sure, but other stuff too! Below is a selection of some of my latest Pins!

Click to Enlarge

p.s: If you'd like an invite, leave your email address in comments and I'll send you one!


  1. Great post and nice job spreading the word:)

  2. Natalie loves Pinterest but has yet to send me an invite! She keeps forgetting because she spends too much time pinning! It seems like such a cool concept and neat way to remember things you like. I've seen so many friends on FB coming up with cool recipes/crafts from Pinterest.

    1. I can totally invite you! Send me your email address! I requested an invite a couple weeks go and only had to wait a day or two to get my invite! :)

  3. I need to know how to embed - I also found pinterest this week & OMG I love it

    1. You mean as in YouTube videos etc on Pinterest? I haven't tried it, but there are YouTube tutorials on how to do it. I love it too! :)

  4. This looks so fun. I agree - Facebook was never quite my thing.
    Can I get an invite?
    ambience.of.rain {at}
    Thanks! : )

  5. Looks exactly like my thing! I will totally join!;)

  6. I'm still not entirely sure what Pinterest is/how it works? It seems really cool though! Gonna check out yours now :).

    1. It's great fun! Now I can waste even more time online!!

  7. This is WAY better than tumblr! I don't even use my tumblr anymore! And now I follow you :)

  8. I love Pinterest, too. :) I'm using it to categorise my books and keep track of my TBR.

    (Stephanie @ Read in a Single Sitting)

  9. This sounds awesome!! Though I have to request an invite? Is there a waiting list?

    1. I'm not sure if there's a waiting list - I only had to wait a couple days.

      I can send you an invite if you leave/send me your email addy. :)

    2. Awesome! actually I learned you could do it via FB so thats what I did :) I'll definitely follow you tho! Mines Thanks!

  10. Pinterest is soooo addictive! I spend way too much time on it but I love it.


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