You might remember that I put out a call for guest reviewers on here a couple weeks back. Well, it's taken me a while to get through all the emails. Seriously - you guys are great. I had a fantastic response to this. I was expecting maybe one reply, two if I was lucky, but I got in the region of twenty five applicants. Obviously I couldn't pick you all as guest reviewers - that would be insane, and can you imagine my postage costs?! I had a really difficult time choosing, but I'm now very happy with my choices.
Please welcome Jen and Liz to the blog. I love both of their reviewing styles and so you can look forward to reading reviews from both of them soon. Jen's first review will be up on the blog next week, and Liz will be starting her guest reviewing later this summer, once her exams are done with. If you'd like to know more about either Jen or Liz, please visit their blogs. Jen has just started blogging at X-treme Readers, while Liz blogs at Planet Print. I'm really looking forward to reading their reviews on here, and I hope you are too!
I want to say a special thanks to everyone who offered to be a guest reviewer. I wanted to pick you all, I really did! However, I do have a new feature starting soon, where I'll have slots for guest posts, so if any of you are interested guest blogging on here, then you can email me for more details, or find out more when I announce the new feature next week!
Thanks again to everyone who applied and welcome Jen and Liz! :)