It's starting to get busy around here! I'lll be starting a new feature on the blog in a short while that's going to take up even more of my time, and so I've decided to open up a slot for a guest reviewer. My bookshelves are overflowing, and I have some great books that are missing out on being read and reviewed! If you'd like to be a regular guest reviewer on the blog read on! I have some highly wish listed (on goodreads) books available for review right now - especially if you like zombie or dystopian fiction.
- Anyone can apply. I will send books internationally.
- You may sometimes have to work to a deadline - for example if the book is pre-release (ARC) or for a blog tour.
- If you love zombie and/or dystopian fiction, this is ideal for you! I have a much loved zombie book available for review right now. Why not review it myself? I'm a zombie free zone. I don't read zombie books!
What you will get:
-Free books - often pre-release/ARC. Most of the books are highly anticipated releases that I have been sent as surprise review books.
- Extra book packages - Duplicate books/ARC's will be sent to you as a thank you!
- If you have a blog, I will link your blog at the end of your reviews.
How to apply:
Send an email to daisychainbookreviews(at)gmail(dot)com with the following details:
- Your Name
-Your Location
- A link to your blog if you have one.
- Examples of book reviews written by you. Provide links if you can (if they are posted on blogs/Amazon/Goodreads) etc - If not you can attach a file, or copy & paste. :)
- A list of your preferred genres
If you have any further questions about being a guest reviewer, you can also mail me at the above address.
Thanks! :)
Image source: We Heart It