
Friday 11 June 2010

Book trailer: My Name is Memory by Ann Brashares & Blog Hop!

I've seen this book featured on a few blogs already, and when the accompanying trailer arrived at my inbox last week, I thought I'd share it with you.  This looks like a delightfully romantic read, perfect for summer and described as a cross between The Time Traveler's Wife and Twilight.  It was the Twilight comparison that caught my attention, I have to admit!  I'm one of only three people in the whole world who didn't like The Time Traveler's Wife!   I'm looking forward to checking this one out though. According to the press release, a major Hollywood movie is in the works for this one too. Exciting times! My Name is Memory by Ann Brashares will be available from June 24th 2010. (UK)

If any US readers have already read this one, let me know what you thought.  

And...since it's Friday, I'll be doing some blog hopping! I haven't participated in a while, so I'm hoping to find some great new blogs today!

This is a fun event hosted by Jennifer at Crazy-for-Books 

If you start following through the Hop, leave a comment on the blog to let  me know!  I will be sure to check out your blog and follow back.  Most importantly, the idea of the hop is to HAVE FUN!!


  1. Hopping by to say hello and going to follow! :) Hoping you can do the same! WOW, love that video! Going to ck that book out!

    Have a blessed weekend

  2. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog! (

    I have signed up to follow yours. I was interested in your thoughts about net galley--I signed up for it but I don't have an e-reader and I actually haven't read any of the galleys I requested. I discovered I really don't like to read on a computer! However, my 15-year-old daughter read the entire next Jacky Faber book, which I had requested, which is over 500 pages, on net-galley!

  3. Hopping by. My Name is Memory looks fantastic, and will definitely be added to my ever-growing to be read list.


  4. Hi, hopping on by..I'm your newst follower (returning the favour).

    Cool blog you have here..I love your profiled pic - a Nadal fan I see. I'm a fan too, but I'm with Murray. Surely he's got to get to the final of Wimbledon this year and win it hopefully!

  5. Thanks for sharing the book trailer. I love the author and really want to read this book. Plus, that's an amazing book trailer. Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Found you through the blog hop. I'm a new follower! :)

  7. Found you at the hop! Great trailer. Definitely makes me curious.

  8. Visiting for the blog hop :) Love your blog.

  9. Hi, we found you through Book Blogger Hop. We are now following you and hope that you can return the favor!! Can’t wait to read more of your blog!!

    Elizabeth =)

  10. Hi to new followers! *waves* I think I've followed everyone back, although the Google Friend Connect widget seems to be playing up for me at the moment!

    @Margo - I don't really like reading on the PC either. I'm seriously thinking of investing in an ereader. There are some titles on NetGalley that I really want to read!

    @AngelGoneMad - I'm a Rafanatic! He's the only man for me. lol! He lost today though. Boo! :(

  11. Just hopping by to say hello. I've added you to my blog reader. Thanks.

  12. Thanks for dropping by my blog. I really want to read the Ann Brashares book. I need to see if the library has it. I love Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants written by her.

  13. I am stopping by on the hop. I see thoughtful, professional reviews here. I read a story when I was a kid about Marie Antoinette and have never forgotten how she was sent from her sheltered home life to the French court. She was a casualty of the period and her station. Oddly (or not so), Marie Antoinette was the given name of a close relative. She went by Toni - can't think why.
    Hope you will stop by and follow me at

  14. @Steph I always felt the same about Marie-Antoinette. History is very harsh on her! I'm glad you like the review. :)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I found you thru the Blog Hop AND the Fourth Musketeer -- and the fact that you are a "daisy" too is even better!
    Will be back!

  17. sweet video. now i'm curious about the book - especially because i liked both time travelers wife and twilight.


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it!

If you are a book blogger and have taken the time to comment, I will make sure to come visit your blog and return the favour. :)

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