
Wednesday 9 June 2010

Waiting on Wednesday #12 - Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel.

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted at Breaking the Spine that spotlights eagerly awaited upcoming releases.

Infinite Days - Rebecca Maizel.
Macmillan Children's Books.
Hardcover, 400 pages.
Release date: Sept. 3rd 2010 (UK)
Target age group: Young Adult.

When Lenah Beaudonte, a 500-year-old vampire queen, wakes up a human teenager at an ultra-cliquey prep school, she must choose between embracing the humanity she’s always craved and saving her new friends from her vicious coven. The first in a sizzling new YA series.

Lenah Beaudonte is, in many ways, your average teen: the new girl at Wickham Boarding School, she struggles to fit in enough to survive and stand out enough to catch the eye of the golden-boy lacrosse captain. But Lenah also just happens to be a recovering five-hundred-year-old vampire queen. After centuries of terrorizing Europe, Lenah is able to realize the dream all vampires have -- to be human again. After performing a dangerous ritual to restore her humanity, Lenah entered a century-long hibernation, leaving behind the wicked coven she ruled over and the eternal love who has helped grant her deep-seated wish.

Until, that is, Lenah draws her first natural breath in centuries at Wickham and rediscovers a human life that bears little resemblance to the one she had known. As if suddenly becoming a teenager weren’t stressful enough, each passing hour brings Lenah closer to the moment when her abandoned coven will open the crypt where she should be sleeping and find her gone. As her borrowed days slip by, Lenah resolves to live her newfound life as fully as she can. But, to do so, she must answer ominous questions: Can an ex-vampire survive in an alien time and place? What can Lenah do to protect her new friends from the bloodthirsty menace about to descend upon them? And how is she ever going to pass her biology midterm? 

You have to watch the trailer for this one too.  This is the first time I've posted a trailer to accompany my WoW pick, so you gotta believe me, it's good!

I'm really excited for this one! I love vampire fiction, and this sounds like a really unique take on the genre. Also, I can't believe the UK/Ireland release date is so far off. I can't wait!! How about the covers? They are quite different. The US cover first caught my eye because it is so different from the covers that you usually get on vampire books. The UK cover, though, has my heart. It's all dark and gothic. I love it! Can you tell I'm kind of excited for this book?!

Share your picks in comments!


  1. I can't wait to read this. I've also seen this and it looks like it's going to be an awesome read! :) Definitely adding this to my wish list.

  2. OMG what a great pick, I cant wait for this one as well...everything about it screams awesome! :) Great pick.

  3. I am anxious for this one too and I like the unique take on the vamp genre. Gret choice.

  4. This one looks interesting! I might take a break from vampire books for a while though.

  5. i do love the sound of this! the trailer is fab too and the UK cover wins for me.

  6. ahhh amazing pick! this one's pretty high up on my (super duper long) wishlist. it sounds brilliant!

  7. Okay, I am not a vampire aficionado, but this one sounds like it has a unique twist...

    Here's mine:

  8. I've seen Infinite Days a couple times now, this sounds like a good book!

    My WoW is here.

  9. Excellent pick! I love both covers. Tough to choose a favorite. Thanks for sharing the trailer too! :)

  10. Great pick! I am waiting on this one as well. I like the US cover!

  11. Very interesting. I hadn't seen this one yet, but it goes on my wishlist too.

  12. That is a good one! The cover and trailer is amazing!!! x

  13. I've seen this one around but have not paid attention to it until now - it looks really good. I just added it to my wishlist (along with almost all the other WOW picks that I've seen).

  14. I keep saying I won't read YA anymore, but I also keep getting sucked in! This one does look very good, though. I'll add it to my wishlist =)

  15. Even though I've been very curious by this spin on vamp fic, I wasn't actually interested in reading it until I saw the trailer, so thanks for posting it!

  16. Someone else had this one picked too, it looks very good. Happy Reading!

  17. This is the second time I've come across this in WoW. It must be really good.

  18. I'm really excited about this book too! Also excited about your great blog. Now following. Shari


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