
Saturday 12 June 2010

On My Wishlist #1 - June 12th 2010.

I'm always looking for new books to add to my wishlist, and I love to see what other people are adding to theirs, so how happy was I when I discovered this great weekly meme that's hosted at Book Chick City! I think I'll have a lot of fun and an even bigger wishlist after taking part in this one!

Here I'll list books that I really want to read, but haven't gotten around to buying yet.  They can be old, new or forthcoming.  Let me know what you think of my choices in comments.  If you've already read any of the books, I'd love to know what you thought!

I stumbled upon this series while browsing Amazon during the week.  I'd never heard of it before, but it sounds like a lot of fun.  I'm looking for light summer reading and some new young adult series that I can get stuck into!

The Elite (The Elite #1)
Jennifer Banash
Published: June 3rd 2008 by Berkley Trade.
Paperback, 256 pages.

From the top, you can see everything - except yourself.

When Casey McCloy steps into the elegant Bramford building, she's overwhelmed. Fresh from the Midwest, she's moved to New York's Upper East Side to live with her grandmother and attend the prestigious Meadowlark Academy. Here all that matters is who you know. The girl to know is Madison Macallister: popular, pretty, platinum blond. She's not just Casey's new classmate and neighbor; she's an icon. So Casey aims to get in with Madison and her gorgeous gal-pals from the start. As the reigning queen of coolness, Madison is capable of destroying reputations with one well timed whisper. Better to be on her good side.

But after a city-haute makeover from her new frenemy Madison, Casey is wearing the right clothes, saying the right things, and meeting the right people,including Drew, the boy-about-town who Madison thinks belongs to her and her alone.

Thanks to Eleni from La Femme Readers for bringing this one to my attention. It sounds like nothing I've ever read before, so I'm looking forward to checking it out.

Alexandra Monir
Published: January 11th 2011 by Delacorte Books for Young Readers.
Hardcover, 288 pages.

When her mother is killed in a car accident, Michele Windsor has no choice but to move in with the wealthy grandparents she's never met in New York. Disillusioned by their coldness, Michele retreats into her room, where she discovers her great-great-aunt's journal--and, once she touches its pages, finds herself hurtled back in time.

In the glamorous Gilded Age, Michele learns that a wedding is coming up between the Windsors and another prominent family, the Walkers. But when Michele attends a party, something miraculous happens: while almost no one can see her in this era, one gorgeous young man with sparkling blue eyes can. Drawn together by mutual attraction, the two bond over music and the parents they've recently lost. But when the party is over, Michele learns the truth--the man she just fell for is Phillip Walker. And she, unknowingly, has just inspired him to call off his wedding to her great-great-aunt, prompting a family feud that will last for generations.

As Michele travels back and forth in time, she and Phillip meet over and over, always frustrated by their inability to have more than a few hours together. Michele knows she should try to make a life in the present, but none of the boys at school can hold a candle to Phillip. Finally, Michele tries to end their romance altogether--spurring a tragedy that transcends generations. Has Michele destroyed her chances for happiness? Or is her love for Phillip . . . timeless?


This one sounds like an intriguing mystery! I'll probably wait until it's released in paperback, as I've been buying too many hardbacks lately, and my bookshelves are feeling the strain!

The Poison Tree
Erin Kelly
Published: June 10th 2010 by Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
Hardcover, 352 pages.

It is the sweltering summer of 1997, and Karen is a straight-laced, straight-A university student. When she meets the impossibly glamorous Biba, a bohemian orphan who lives in a crumbling old mansion in Highgate with her enigmatic brother Rex, she is soon drawn into their world -- but something terrible is about to happen, and someone's going to end up dead. Already drawing comparisons to Barbara Vine, Tana French and Sophie Hannah, Erin Kelly is an extraordinarily talented new author.

All book summaries taken from Goodreads.


  1. Welcome to On My Wishlist. I lurve this meme!

    Great selections, I've not red any of them but am adding them all to my TBR! I think I'd enjoy them muchly.

  2. Ooh, Timeless looks good. I've had The Elite series for ages but haven't read it yet. I probably should! :)

  3. I have The Poison Tree on my shelf to read, but the other two I haven't heard of before. They sound really good so will definitely go on my wishlist! :)

  4. Poison Tree sounds intriguing, added it to my wishlist. Thanks for the heads up on this one!

  5. Poison tree sounds so interesting!

  6. I hadn't heard of Timeless and the Poison tree, i will have to add them to my never ending list!

  7. Timeless sounds amazing! I am going to have to add it to my TBR list.

  8. The Poison Tree sounds absolutely amazing. Is it a debut YA novel? Meaning, would it be considered YA? Still, I'm going to want to check this one out for myself.

  9. Wow, the Poison tree sounds interesting. Wondering who's going to die is certainly a great hook.

  10. Definitely adding Poison Tree and Timeless to my list. The covers for the books are absolutely gorgeous too!

  11. @-K The Poison Tree isn't Young Adult, but the other two are. :)

    @thebookfairyhaven I mostly find myself drawn to books because of their covers. Bad, I know. lol!

  12. Ok, now I am hooked on Timeless.. Have added to my wish list. Thanks on the heads up.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com


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