Monday, 22 March 2010

Young Adult Urban Fantasy - everything is a saga...

...and, believe me, I love it.  With all these sagas though, it can be a little difficult to keep track of things. Characters names and plot lines tend to get a little tangled. Confusion sets in from time to time.  I read a lot of Young Adult urban fantasy - it's pretty much an addiction at this point, and sometimes it's difficult to separate the werewolves from the fallen angles.  You know how it is, right?  At the moment, I've got three different Y/A urban fantasy series that I'm following, but I fear that I'll be picking up a few more soon.  Oh yes, Jeri Smith-Ready's Shade is pretty high up on my wish list.  So, I decided I'd write reviews here, that's what I'll do.  And then, if I ever need a plot or character refresher, this will provide easy access. 

So, here are the seires that I'm concentrating on right now.  The characters in these books have my heart.  I have gotten very emotionally attached to them all, so I won't be letting go of these guys any time soon.  I'll miss them when they're gone, but I'm sure that another great series will be along to keep me entertained.

First up in Alyson Noel's Immortals series.  Evermore was one of my favourite books of 2009. Damen Auguste was my new Edward Cullen.  Damen totally has my heart.  I have a huge literary crush on him right now, but he's not mine, he's Ever's.  I'm happy for them, really.  I'm on book three of this series Shadowland, which I'm reading right now, and loving so far.

Book four in the Immortals series Dark Flame will be released on June 22nd 2010.

I'm also all caught up with Becca Fitzpatric's Fallen Angels series.  The first book, Hush, Hush, of which I loved, and the follow up Crescendo, which I am eagerly awaiting.  I read the plot summary for Crescendo yesterday, and now, I seriously cannot wait for this book.  I'm really excited at direction in which this series appears to be going.  Also, while Patch is undoubtedly hot, and a fallen angel no less,  I still don't really trust the guy, which is a nice twist on the  usually all-to-perfect leading male in many young adult novels.  I love these perfect specimen's too by the way, but it's nice to have a bad boy in the mix.  I really don't know what to expect from him next.  Sometimes I feel for Nora, I really do.

Book two in the Fallen Angels series Crescendo will be released on November 16th 2010 (US). I'm not sure about the UK release date for this as yet.

The third and final, but certainly by no means least Y/A urban fantasy series that I am loving right now is Maggie Stiefvater's Wolves of Mercy Falls series.  I loved Sam and Grace immediately when I started Shiver, and also loved Maggie's sassy  writing style. The book kept me captivated throughout and I can't wait to read it's follow up ,Linger when it's released this summer.  When it comes to buying books, I'll usually wait for the paperback, but I'll be getting this on pre-order which is a sure sign that I love this series.

Book two in the Wolves of Mercy Falls series Linger will be released on July 20th 2010.

I'm sure there are many more urban fantasy saga's that I'm missing out on.  It's probably too early to have any readers on this blog, but if you're out there, post your comments on these or other young adult saga's that you love.

First post done!
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