
Friday 3 May 2013

Help Wanted!

This is a call for guest reviewers!

If  you love to read and would like to get your hands on all kinds of great books (often before release date) then this is for you!

Due to time constraints and in order to provide as many timely reviews as possible, I'm looking for a new contributor to the blog. 

Interested? Then, read on!


Anyone can apply. Please note that this time around I will give preference to reviewers within Europe -Ireland/UK would be great (faster turnaround/postage costs), but if I can't find a good fit here, then I'm willing to send further afield. So feel free to shoot me an email if you're interested - no matter where you are in the world.

Please, please, please only apply for this if you have time to fit reviewing for this blog into your schedule. I am not all that strict with deadlines,but I do like to provide reviews in a timely manner.  If I send you two books for review - getting them back to me within a month is fine. Two, three, six months though, and you're pushing my patience! (unless you have a good excuse!)

Here's a list of some of the books I have available for guest review right now: CLICKY (with more books added all the time!)

Review copies will be primarily YA - with select Adult titles available. 

Still Interested? Then, here's how to apply!
--Position filled. Thanks to all who applied!

Send an email to daisychainbookreviews(at)gmail(dot)com with the following details.

Age. (I only need to know this due to availability of adult titles- so if you're over 18  feel free to leave this blank!)
Two examples of book reviews written by you - these can be sent as an attachment, copied into the body of the email or linked via Goodreads, Amazon etc.
A list of your preferred genres. Also include genres that you don't enjoy/would prefer not to review.
Let me know if you read Adult Fiction or if you'd prefer to stick to YA only. 
Let me know if you have access to an e-reader.
Your top three picks from the books listed in the books I currently have available for review: clicky.
You don't have to stick to books I send - if there are books you'd like to review from your own collection - I'm totally open to that!
If you have your own book blog, but would still like to guest review for this blog, that's fine (Liz from Planet Print reviews for this blog) as long as you have time to fit everything into your schedule. If you have a blog, include the link in your email.

If you have any further questions about being a guest reviewer, you can also mail me at the above address. 

Thanks for reading! :)

Current Music: "She & Him" - I've Got Your Number, Son.


  1. Becky @ Stories & Sweeties3 May 2013 at 23:25

    Not a bad idea, Leanna! ;) I've thought about doing something like this a few times, too! Good luck finding some lovely guest reviewers!

  2. daisychainbooks5 May 2013 at 17:14

    Thanks, Becky! I always have a huge backlog of review books to work through. Hopefully this will help! :)

  3. daisychainbooks5 May 2013 at 17:14

    Thanks! I'll be reading through emails a little later! :)


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it!

If you are a book blogger and have taken the time to comment, I will make sure to come visit your blog and return the favour. :)

Please note: This blog is now an award free zone. Thanks to everyone who has awarded the blog in the past.