
Saturday 20 April 2013

Checking in!

Image source: We Heart It

Hi guys!

I'm back! Well, just for today. I thought I'd check in and tell you what I've been doing/reading/watching etc and see how you all are doing to!


I've had a couple emails from people asking if/when I'd be back blogging, and the answers to those questions are YES and that'll happen on May 6th (very specific!) I have my blogging calendar all up to date! My first post back will be a review of Swimming at Night by Lucy Clarke (and I'm so organised that I still have that review to write!) Actually, I haven't written any reviews since mid-March. I'm so out of practice!


I have been writing, though (my reason for taking this break), just not reviews. And here's what I'll say about my writing progress: slow but good, which is to say, I enjoy it when it happens, but it goes slow. I don't know how I ever completed NaNo that one time, because ever since I've been on a go-slow! Still, I get a little done every (well, most) days - which is better than nothing at all!


I've been reading a lot during my break so I'll have a lot of reviews to share once I'm back (just have to write them first!) You can check out the books I've been reading on Goodreads and I usually update my Twitter account with the books I've been reading.

Here's are some of the books I'll be reviewing on my return:

Dance of Shadows by Yelena Black
Swimming at Night by Lucy Clarke
If I Should Die by Amy Plum
Down London Road by Samantha Young
The Beautiful and the Cursed by Page Morgan
Dead Silence by Kimberly Derting
The Day I Met Suzie by Chris Higgins
Parallel by Lauren Miller

I'll also be taking part in the blog tour for The Originals by Cat Patrick in May -- super excited to read that one!


This blog break has been a great opportunity to catch up on some shows --I'm always SO behind. I'm still behind on The Vampire Diaries, but, is it just me, or has TVD gone a little off the boil this season? I dunno - I just can't seem to get into it. Maybe what I need is a marathon TVD session to re-ignite my obsession!

I've recently found a new show to obsess over. Thanks to Kim Harrington and Twitter I'm now obsessed with Bates Motel. Have you seen it? Check it out! I'm three episodes in, and I LOVE!

I also LOVE this new Man of Steel trailer. I've always been a Superman girl, and now that the delicious Henry Cavill is starring in the role I'm DEFINITELY a Superman girl! ;)

That's all from me for now. I'll be back on May 6th with a review of Swimming at Night (if I stick to my calendar!)  

Current Music: "Best Coast" - Up All Night


  1. I love that you just posted the trailer to Superman, because I just watched it and made my husband watch it too. He had to hear me go on and on about how fabulous Henry Cavill is. :) He will definitely be a good Superman. Also, I am wayyyy behind on TVD as well. I sort of got bored with the story line, but I need to get caught up. I agree that it isn't as captivating this season. I did get caught up on Revenge and am enjoying that show once again.

    I can't wait for your reviews of If I Should Die, Parallel, Beautiful and the Cursed, and Dead Silence. I'm glad you are getting some writing done -- any amount of writing is better than nothing at all. Looking forward to you coming back to blogging--enjoy the rest of your "break."

  2. I have missed your posts! It sounds like you've been reading some great books. I look forward to your reviews of Swimming at Night and Dead Silence in particular! Enjoy the rest of your break :)

  3. i have lusted after cavill for the longest time...

    anyways, love that typewriter image and i am so glad you have been writing (yay!)


  4. Glad to hear you are enjoying your "down time", Leanna:) Looking forward to your return!

    And you are listening to Best Coast, awesome! I'm going to a big music festival in a couple of weeks and they'll be playing it!:)

  5. I'm glad you've been able to catch up with TV shows and a lot of reading Leanna! I miss not having the time to fit everything in! I look forward to reading your reviews when you start posting again! :)

  6. daisychainbooks23 June 2013 at 21:07

    Best Coast is one of the best bands for fun summer tunes! :) Enjoy the festival!

  7. daisychainbooks23 June 2013 at 21:07

    Thanks, Nomes! Oh, Cavill is delicious! ;)

  8. daisychainbooks23 June 2013 at 21:07

    Thanks, Jasprit. Keeping up with TV shows has been nice - usually I'm behind on everything and always end up getting spoilers!

  9. daisychainbooks23 June 2013 at 21:07

    Swimming at Night is a good one - think you'll enjoy it! It reminded me in parts of Emily Barr's books - not so much the style but the mystery/travel element.

  10. daisychainbooks23 June 2013 at 21:08

    I think he'll be a great Superman! P.S: I just bought the Tudors boxset! haha! I'm almost up to date on Revenge too - I'm also enjoying it again - glad I stuck with it! :)


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