
Sunday 26 September 2010

In my mailbox , recent reviews and future reads - September 26th - October 2nd 2010.

In my Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren in which bloggers share the books they have received each week.

I decided to mix things up this week and include my recent reviews and upcoming reads on the blog.  As with a lot of blogs out there, I find that meme posts receive more comments than my reviews, so while you're here to check out the memes, why not check out the reviews too! :)

Click on links for Goodreads/Amazon descriptions:

For Review: 

A Gathering Light by Jennifer Donnelly

Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly

Two for review this week. Revolution is a book I've been excited about for quite a while now. I can't wait to get started on it. I also love the sound of A Gathering Light. I will be taking part in the blog tour for Revolution soon, so look out for that if you're interested in Jennifer Donnelly's books!


It's Monday What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme that is hosted by Sheila at One Persons Journey through a world of books

Recent Reviews: 

Click on links to read reviews!

Single in the City by Michele Gorman
Fun chick-lit. A culture clash is on the cards when 26 year old Hannah moves from the US to London!

Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld
 Good coming-of-age tale, but Lee Fiora is an acquired taste.

Halo by Alexandra Adornetto
Beautiful cover but the book was a major disappointment for me.

Future Reads:

After the mayor falls down dead in the middle of a speech, a clandestine student society claims credit for his demise.

Clare Vengel is given her first undercover assignment: to pose as a student and penetrate the society. A streetwise amateur mechanic, Clare finds university a foreign land, and has trouble creating an in with the suspects. She quickly alienates a popular professor and loses the respect of police superiors.

When another politician is killed, Clare kicks herself into high gear. She forges friendships with students and makes inroads into the secret society.

As the body count rises, Clare realizes that the murderer she has to unmask is someone she has come to consider a friend. She only hopes that the friend doesn't unmask her first.

I'm taking part in the blog tour for Dead Politician Society this week, and will be interviewing author Robin Spano. Hope you can stop by and check it out!


  1. Great books- I am especially excited for Revolution. I can't wait to read that one! Enjoy!

  2. I was also quite dissapointed by Halo...

    Have a great week!

  3. Oh Halo! I've heard mixed things but I still really want to read that one:) Revolution looks great as well, happy reading!

  4. Single in the City looks like a fun read.Happy reading!

  5. Fab books this week. I'm about half way through Revolution and loving it so far. Hope you enjoy all of your books! My mailbox is here.

    Also you can link your Supernatural themed book reviews on this weeks Read My Review

  6. I loved Revolution, such an amazing story! I hope you enjoy it! I need to seek out A Gathering Light (Northern Light here in the US) so I can read more of her work! Enjoy these!

  7. i have revolution too, but it has a different cover :)

  8. Great Mailbox, I love the cover from Revolution!

  9. Great post. I just gor Halo in the mail from an ARC tour and I can't wait to read it, but I have heard really mixed reviews about it.

  10. You have some interesting reads this week - and I love how you've done your post this week. Can't wait to read your review of Revolution. Am also dying to read that one! Happy reading as always. xx

  11. I'm currently reading Revolution, and it is great, so far. Hope you enjoy!

  12. Great books! I really liked Revolution I hope you enjoy them all! =)

  13. You had a good reading week and you have some interesting books in your future. I didn't love Halo either but I kept telling myself that the author was only 16 or 17 when she wrote it. My Monday Report is here. Happy reading!

  14. I have Halo out from the library and I tried to get into it, but I didn't get much further than the first chapter and after reading your review I don't know how much more of an effort I should really make! I wasn't feeling much of a connection to Bethany (at least not from the get-go), and if she's worse than Bella I can see how that would be irritating. Thanks for the honest review though :)

  15. It's always disappointing when books don't live up to their great covers. Hope you have better luck with your next round of books!

  16. I've been wanting to read Revolution for a while now. I hope you enjoy it!


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