
Monday 27 September 2010

Book Review: Intrinsical by Lani Woodland.

Product details:
Publisher: Pendrell Publishing.
Hardcover, 298 pages.
Release date:  August 20th 2010.
Ages: Young Adult.
Rating: 3½ out of 5.
Source: Received from publisher for review.

Sixteen-year-old Yara Silva has always known that ghosts walk alongside the living. Her grandma, like the other females in her family, is a Waker, someone who can see and communicate with ghosts. Yara grew up watching her grandmother taunted and scorned for this unusual ability and doesn't want that to be her future. She has been dreading the day when she too would see ghosts, and is relieved that the usually dominant Waker gene seems to have skipped her, letting her live a normal teenage life. However, all that changes for Yara on her first day at her elite boarding school when she discovers the gene was only lying dormant. She witnesses a dark mist attack Brent, a handsome fellow student, and rushes to his rescue. Her act of heroism draws the mist's attention, and the dark spirit begins stalking her. Yara finds herself entrenched in a sixty-year-old curse that haunts the school, threatening not only her life, but the lives of her closest friends as well. Yara soon realizes that the past she was trying to put behind her isn't going to go quietly.

Intrinsical is a fast-paced and action packed debut that will hook you at page one, and keep you guessing right until the end!

The beautiful cover first grabbed my attention with this one, but I was pleased to find that what lies inside is just as captivating. This has a lot of the elements I love in young adult fiction - it’s got a gripping storyline, one which is very different from the other paranormal fare out there, and it’s set at a boarding school. I love books set in boarding schools, as some of you will know! Even better, this boarding school is mysterious and spooky - it’s got a secret society, eerie haunted buildings and a long standing curse that people prefer not to talk about.

Yara and her friend Cherie arrive at Pendrell Prep and delve straight into the action when Yara saves the life of soon-to-be romantic interest Brent. All is not as it seems at Pendrell, and soon Yara has awakened the ‘walker’ abilities which enable her to see and communicate with ghosts. Sounds pretty cool, but not for Yara who just wants a normal life. From this point in the story there are lots of twists and turns. I can usually figure out where an author intends to take the story, but not here. Woodland certainly knows how to write a page turner that will keep her readers guessing. I never would have figured out this intricate plot, so kudos to the author for that. I like when books make me think!

One of my favourite things about this book was the characters. Yara is a great heroine - she’s funny and feisty and has a great dynamic with her best friend, Cherie. I also liked the flirtation between Yara and Brent which is very realistic and develops at a natural pace. I’m happy to report that Yara is not one of those girls who meets her guy and then loses her personality and falls at his feet after five minutes. Ahem!

If you want some chills in the lead up to Halloween, then Intrinsical is the book for you. There is a sense of foreboding throughout the book, and I'll bet you never guess what is really going on at Pendrell Prep.   Lani Woodland has a great descriptive writing style, which made this book a joy to read. While I did feel that the story dipped a little towards the middle of the book, and got a somewhat repetitive, this is a small complaint for a debut that has so many other plus points. This one works well as a stand alone, but I’d love to see a sequel sometime in the future!

You might also like to read:  My interview with Lani Woodland.

-- I've submitted my review of Intrinsical to Radiant Reviews a great meme hosted at Chrissie's Corner. You should check it out!


  1. Thank you for the great review. :)

  2. I absolutely love the sound of this book and am dying to read it, especially since it's a debut author novel, but I just can't find it ANYWHERE ... I live in South Africa and have searched for it repeatedly on the online sites I normally buy from (which order from the US and the UK) ... but no such luck! :(

  3. @Bella - I sent you a tweet, but for anybody wondering Intrinsical is available from online suppliers. You can buy it on Amazon (US & UK) and also from The Book Depository with free worldwide delivery!

  4. Awesome review!! I'm definitely up for some chills to get in the halloween mood :)

  5. I featured this one on my waiting for Wednesday post awhile back. I think the cover is just beautiful as well...

    Great review!

  6. Fabulous review as always Leanna. This one has been on my TBR for quite some time. Going to be ordering this one soon - that's for sure!

    @Bella I'm also from South Africa. It is available on but I think book depository would be the next bet because they're cheaper :)

  7. Nice review! I need to check this book out :)

    Thanks for stopping by and checking out my review!

  8. This sounds so good. Great review that makes me want it even more!

  9. I haven't heard of this book before but it definitely sounds like one I would enjoy. And the cover is beautiful too. Great review!

    Thanks for stopping by Radiant Reviews today :)

  10. Wonderful review! I’ve had this one on my wishlist for a while.


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