
Wednesday 21 July 2010

Waiting on Wednesday #17 - Fallen Angel by Heather Terrell & competition winners announced!

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted at Breaking the Spine that spotlights eagerly awaited upcoming releases.

Fallen Angel by Heather Terrell
Paperback, 240 pages.
Release date: December 28th 2010.
Target Age Group: Young Adult.

Product description from Goodreads:

The first book in a dark, edgy new angel series about a girl who finds herself forced to choose sides in the battle between fallen angels, even if that means going against the boy she loves.

When Ellie Faneuil first sees Michael Chase she feels an instantaneous connection. But she does not realize how much they have in common, including the ability fly and to see what others are thinking - not to mention a taste for blood. Reveling in their new powers and their growing feelings for each other, Ellie and Michael are determined to uncover what they are, and how they got this way ... together. 

But the truth has repercussions neither could have imagined. Soon they find themselves center stage in an ancient conflict between fallen angels that threatens to destroy everything they love. And it is no longer clear whether Ellie and Michael will choose the same side.

In this electrifying novel Heather Terrell spins a gripping tale of soul-mates, supernatural powers and a truth that will change Ellie and Michael‘s world forever.

I love the current Angel trend that's happening in Young Adult fiction, and when I first read about this one a few weeks back, I had to add it to my list. Sounds good!  Let me know what you think in comments, and share your WoW picks!

I'm also going to announce some competition winners today!

Winner of the Shadow Hills swag pack courtesy of Anastasia Hopcus is: Christina/Book Addict.

Winner of a $40 Gift Certificate courtesy of CSN Stores is: Natasha J.

Hope you guys enjoy your prizes! I'll be sending you both emails soon to get your details. :)


  1. That is great pick!

    Here's mine;

    and congrats to winners!

  2. Great pick! I will have to add this one to my TBR pile. Also, I believe I am the winner of the Shadow Hills swag??? This is so exciting! I love swag! Thank you so much. I also just finished the book and really enjoyed it! Woo hoo!

  3. @Christina - yes, it's you! I just sent you the email! Hope you enjoy the swag! :)

  4. Good choice...looks intriguing.

    Here's mine:

  5. I haven't heard of this book or the author but it sounds really interesting. I'm going to look more into it. Thanks for a great WoW pick :)

    If you have time, check out my pick.


  6. Congrats to the winners! Sure they'll be enjoying their prizes! Love your book choice for this week and am going to be adding it to my tbr list as well!

  7. ooh, this looks good! I'll definitely have to put this one on my to-read list. :)

  8. This looks great! I haven't really read any angel books but I have a couple of titles related to angels waiting on my bookshelf.

  9. Great pick! I almost chose this one this week, it sounds like such a good book.

  10. I love all the angel books coming out! Looking forward to this one as well :)

  11. I hadn't heard of this one but it sounds good, I'm going to add it to my list. Great pick! =)

  12. I'm loving all these Angel themed books as well! I saw this last week somewhere and it sounds so good! I can't wait until it's released!

  13. this looks so good! i hadn't seen it before! congrats to the winners!

  14. i didn't know there was a cover out for this already! it looks soooo good. wonderful choice :)

  15. Awesome find Leanna! Another angel book for us! *cheers*


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