
Wednesday 21 July 2010

Book News! Sweet Valley High grows up - read the first chapter of Sweet Valley Confidential to find out more!

I'm not ashamed to say that I was more than a little excited when I first heard that Francine Pascal was planning a Sweet Valley High sequel which would follow twins Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield into their late twenties and early thirties.  

Like a lot of people, I read the books as a teen, and I also watched the TV series. The books, while not the most well written, were a lot of fun, and I'm excited to find out what is going on in the worlds of  Liz, Jess and their friends. By now, I thought that Elizabeth and Todd would  would  have married for sure, and would be living that perfect Sweet Valley lifestyle, with their perfect blonde kids and matching jobs at the local newspaper. I'm telling you now that this is not how things have turned out.  Not at all....

Since I don't want to give a whole load of spoilers on here, you're going to have to check this out for yourself.  In the first chapter  we find Elizabeth living alone in New York.  She's not speaking to Jessica, and Todd is not on the scene.  I have my own thoughts on what exactly has happened between Elizabeth and Todd, but if you want to find out, sign up for the Sweet Valley Confidential newsletter here and you will receive the first chapter of Sweet Vally confidential to your email inbox.

It's fun! Enjoy!


  1. I loved the Sweet Valley books when I was a teen so I'll *have* to check this out to find out what happens! lol

  2. That's hysterical. I was obsessed with SVH as a kid- I even had the board game. Thanks for sharing this. I will have to check out the sample chapter.

  3. @Trillian - I think this one will be a guilty pleasure for a lot of people!

    @Christina - can't wait to see what you think! :D

  4. I was never really into Sweet Valley High but I'm oddly curious about this!

  5. Seeing this totally made my day! OMG, I used to love Sweet Valley High novels when I was younger; I remember that at one point I probably had all the Sweet Valley High books the local library had at home because I did not want anyone else to read them. :D

  6. @Milka - haha! I love your Sweet Valley confession! :D

  7. Hey! You have an award waiting for you on my blog :). Head over to to check it out! x

  8. I was COMPLETELY obsessed with SVH when I was a young 'un. I am definitely curious to see about what Jess and Elizabeth and will probably end up getting this when it does come out. *grins*


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