
Monday 24 May 2010

Special thanks and extra competition entries for your comments!

Yesterday I installed a comment cloud on the blog courtesy of  BloggerSentral and now that I can see the names of those who regularly comment on the blog, I wanted to say a big thank you!  I'm still pretty new to blogging, and when I started this blog I didn't know if anyone would ever read it, much less comment.  I'm still at the stage where I'm excited every time I get a new follower or a comment, so I really appreciate each and every comment.

As a special thanks the people who comment on my posts most often, anyone who appears in the Top Commentators cloud will get extra entries into competitions, I'll be visiting your blogs more often (although I visit a lot of them regularly already), and there may even be a special competition for you guys at some point to show my appreciation.  

Make sure you check out the blogs of  my top commentators.  They are all fabulous! (Sorry I couldn't include everyone who's listed in the cloud - if your name is in the cloud, anyone who clicks on it can go directly to your profile and check out your blog that way).

Simay @ Zimlicious
Emidy @ Une Parole
Kim @ Queen Bee

I just had a thought - wouldn't it be funny if this post about comments didn't get any comments?! I have a strange sense of humour...

Contest Reminder: There's still a few days left to enter to win a copy of The Carrie Diaries by Candace Bushnell! Enter here if you haven't done so already!  Anyone who enters and is a top commentator is getting five extra entries as a thank you.


  1. Congrats to the top commenters! I have to admit, I get pretty excited when I see a new comment too! :) And guess your thoughts of having no comments has just vanished! :D

  2. what a lovely gesture. thats a really nice thing to do

  3. that is such a lovely idea! i totally understand--i am always ecited to get a comment or a new follower too!

  4. Thanks guys!

    I wish I could have included everyone who has ever left a comment. :)

  5. I get excited every time I have a new comment or follower too!
    I get sad if I've had a post up for an hour or two with no

  6. ha! I've had posts like that. I'll post it up and check back four hours later and no comments. Fail!

  7. Neat idea to keep track of your top commentators. I've thought about adding something similar to my blog.

    I always feel anxious about the number of comments my reviews get. Some of my reviews haven't received comments and a few of my posts haven't either but mostly I've been lucky to have people reading and commenting on what I write.

  8. Yay! That's awesome. What a great idea. :)

  9. Wow..That is a great idea Leanna. =)

  10. I kinda feel like a dork now, hahaha. Thanks for the mention, doll <3

  11. This is a neat addition to your blog. I don't have active blog, I am twitter confused, and face book challenged. I know just enough to be dangerous. LOL
    I just found your blog recently and enjoy your posts. I will try to remember to leave comment from now on.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  12. Great idea and post to do this. Love it! I get excited too when I get a new follower and a comment on a review that I wrote. such a great feeling.

  13. I agree - this is such a great idea. And I definitely also get excited when I receive a comment :)

  14. I think I'll add one of these to my blog :)

  15. Very cool! I have something similar on my blog, but I’m not sure how accurate it actually is.

    Also wanted to let you know Beautiful Malice came in the mail yesterday. Thank you so much for hosting the contest :) It is in my pile of summer reads.

  16. I think the one I have is accurate - I've noticed post counts going up as people comment!

    Thanks for letting me know you received Beautiful Malice. Hope you enjoy it! x

  17. I've been book blogging for 4 years, and I still get excited every time I get a comment or new follower. It still astounds me that anyone wants to read what I write!

  18. Aw, good to hear that the feeling never gets old! :)

  19. I love the comment cloud feature. I might just need one myself.


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it!

If you are a book blogger and have taken the time to comment, I will make sure to come visit your blog and return the favour. :)

Please note: This blog is now an award free zone. Thanks to everyone who has awarded the blog in the past.