
Sunday 23 May 2010

In My Mailbox #4 - May 23rd 2010.

In my Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren in which bloggers share the books they have received every week.

Just one in my mailbox this week.  I got sent this for review and I'm really excited to read it, as I've been a fan of Emily Barr's books for quite a while now.  Love the cover on this one, and I've always wanted to travel to Italy, so I love the fact that this one is set in Venice.  Let me know what books you got this week!

For Lucy Riddick, Venice has always been the dream destination. A dream inspired by the pretty picture pinned to her mother’s kitchen wall. To Lucy, Venice seems the ideal place to lose herself. And now she needs to do just that. The secret she’s been keeping from her boyfriend and her friends has finally caught up with her and Lucy needs to disappear – and fast. There’s no better time to pack her bags and head for Italy. But what if, when she sets foot in Venice, Lucy finds that the one thing she has been running from, the one thing she has been trying to escape, is already there, lying in wait for her? Time to run away again? Or time to end the chase, once and for all?


  1. This sounds great! I like the idea of it being in Venice too! :)

  2. This sounds like a great read. Am also quite a huge fan of novels that are set in Venice :)

  3. This one looks really good! I've always been fascinated by Venice. I've never read anything by this author, I'll have to find something by her.

  4. @Carrie - I'd recommend her book 'The Sisterhood'. It's a really good read!

  5. Sounds intriguing! (doesn't hurt that it's in Venice, Italy!)

    Hope you enjoy it :)

  6. Sounds good! And the cover is beautiful!!

    A few days ago I was watching a show in NatGeo about Venice, its a wonderful place. I want to visit it someday :D

  7. That sounds great! I agree; the cover is gorgeous.....I would love to go to Venice! Enjoy your book!

  8. Ah god. Venice is like my dream. Love the cover and it sounds very intriguing.

  9. I've heard good things about Emily Barr. Enjoy!

  10. I've always wanted to go to Italy. This does look like a lovely book. Great cover. I hope you enjoy it.

  11. This one sounds really interesting. I've always wanted to go to Venice!

  12. That cover looks awesome!

  13. I'm totally in lurve with that cover!!!!!!!!!
    Now it's on my list!

  14. This one looks very good. Can't wait to read what you think of it! <3

  15. wow this book sounds awesome, and the cover i have to say looks lovely , happy reading! :)

  16. Lovely book, I want to go to Venice too. :)

  17. Ooh sounds intriguing! Happy reading. My mailbox is at The Crowded Leaf.

  18. WOW!! This one sounds like a great mystery. New author to me so have added to my list.
    Very intriguing and has to be full of mystery. Does it end HEA??

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  19. I dunno if it has a happy ending 'cos I haven't read it yet, but I'll be reading and reviewing soon. :)

  20. I've only read one book by Emily Barr and it was years ago...Backpack...but it was really good. Probably time I check out what she's done since ;-)

  21. I think Backpack was my first one too, and it was really good. I read a few of hers after that that were only OK, but the last one I read 'The sisterhood' was excellent, so looking forward to this!


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