
Wednesday 7 April 2010

Waiting on Wednesday #3 - Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus.

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted at Breaking the Spine that spotlights eagerly awaited upcoming releases.

This weeks selection is:
Shadow Hills - Anastasia Hopcus
Hardcover, 400 pages
Young Adult
Release date: July 13th 2010.

After her sister Athena's tragic death, it's obvious that grief-stricken Persephone "Phe" Archer no longer belongs in Los Angeles. Hoping to make sense of her sister's sudden demise and the cryptic dreams following it, Phe abandons her bubbly LA life to attend an uptight East Coast preparatory school in Shadow Hills, MA -- a school which her sister mysteriously mentioned in her last diary entry before she died.

Once there, Phe quickly realizes that something is deeply amiss in her new town. Not only does Shadow Hills' history boast an unexplained epidemic that decimated hundreds of its citizens in the 1700s, but its modern townies also seem eerily psychic, with the bizarre ability to bend metal. Even Zach -- the gorgeous stranger Phe meets and immediately begins to lust after -- seems as if he is hiding something serious. Phe is determined to get to the bottom of it. The longer she stays there, the more she suspects that her sister's untimely death and her own destiny are intricately linked to those who reside in Shadow Hills.

I'm so excited to read Shadow Hills. I read the first chapter last week, and loved it.  I can't wait to read more.  I think this is going to be a fantastic read!  Check out the first chapter here.

Now share your links with me.  I love finding new books to add to my huge TBR pile!

p.s: Don't forget to vote for my blog over at Parajunkee's view!
Click to vote!


  1. Shadow Hills is on my TBR list. It sounds really good.

    Mine is here,

  2. Ok, I love the sound of this one. Going to Amazon and sticking this on the wish list so I do not forget. Thank for putting it on my radar.

  3. Great pick, sounds so intriguing! My WOW is at The Crowded Leaf.

  4. This books look like a delicous thriller. Can't wait to read it. Great pick Leanna!

  5. Yay! Thanks so much for WoWing Shadow Hills!

  6. You're welcome! I'm so excited to read it!

  7. I'm supposed to get this ARC soon. I hope it's as good as it looks!

  8. P.S. I mentioned you today on my blog post. (queen bee)

  9. I'm looking forward to read this. Thanks for sharing!

  10. @Alyssa - I'm kinda jealous of your ARC of this! I'll just have to wait until it's released to read it. Somehow I missed the International Arc tour for this one. Boo!


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