
Tuesday 6 April 2010

I'm a finalist in the Big Sis, Little Blog program at Parajunkee's View! Help me to win! Vote for me!

Eeek! I'm so excited. I never thought I'd be picked as a finalist as I've only been blogging for a few weeks.  I think this is a great opportunity, and I'd love to win.  If you think this blog is worthy of winning, please vote for me!

You can find out more about the contest, and the other finalists here

You can vote here

Keep your fingers crossed for me.  Big thanks to anyone who votes!


  1. Voted! Ooh you're in 2nd place!

    This is Lynn btw - follow me bitch!

  2. What a great contest! I wish you the best of luck ^^ I voted for you!

  3. +JMJ+

    I voted for you, too . . . because you asked so nicely. ;-)

  4. Just stopped by from the blog hop and wanted to let you know I'm a follower and will be going over to vote for you as we speak! Great blog!

  5. Thanks for the votes guys! I appreciate it! :)

  6. That Addicted Heroine pic was pretty hilarious, but I still voted for you. Good luck! (queen bee)


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it!

If you are a book blogger and have taken the time to comment, I will make sure to come visit your blog and return the favour. :)

Please note: This blog is now an award free zone. Thanks to everyone who has awarded the blog in the past.