
Monday 24 June 2013

Penguin Chats #2: Sarah Dessen and Cathy Cassidy - Details, Extracts of The Moon and More, Coco Caramel & More!

Penguin Chats are a Q&A with a Penguin author on Twitter, hosted by @PenguinUKBooks and using #PenguinChats. Anyone can put their questions to the author to receive an immediate and live response!

                                        @SarahDessen                      @cathycassidyxx

The Sarah Dessen and Cathy Cassidy Penguin Chat takes place on Sunday June 30th at 6p.m.  To take part, you just need a twitter account and some questions to ask the authors!

And that's not all  - I've got a bunch of goodies to share with you today including extracts from The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen and Coco Caramel by Cathy Cassidy. There are also book trailers and and a special message from Sarah Dessen for you to check out.  I'm also taking par in the blog tour for this event and will  have a super giveaway coming your way on Saturday! Check out all the blog tour details in the sidebar banner.

Have you read The Moon and More or Coco Caramel? Let me know what you thought of them! And don't forget to check back for the giveaway on Saturday! Hope everyone enjoys the twitter chat!

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