
Thursday 14 February 2013

Happy Valentine's Day - International Giveaway!

Happy Valentine's Day everybody! Any excuse for a giveaway, eh?!

Fill in the Rafflecopter form below to be in with a chance to win a romantic bundle of books featuring lots of swoony times!

One lucky reader will win copies of From What I remember, Irresistible and Love at Second Sight!

The Romantic Prize bundle contains copies of:
From What I remember by Stacy Kramer and Valerie Thomas
Irresistible by Liz Bankes
Love at Second Sight by Cathy Hopkins.

Competition is international and closes February 28th 2013.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. my fav : roarke and eve from in death series by jdrobb or cat and bones from night huntress series by jeaniene frost.

    thanks for the chance ^^

  2. Noah and Allie from The Notebook are my favourite book couple.  Such a romantic pair.


  3. Ok my biggest Crush is most definitely Barrons from the Fever Series!!!! Gosh - this man truly got under my Skin. 

    My favorite couple? Gosh that is a tough question. 
    Maybe Daniel and Luce from The Fallen Series? 
    Oh and Noah and Echo from Pushing The Limits 

  4. My favourite book couple for 2012 has to be Noah and Echo from Pushing The Limits. As for my biggest book crush. Oh Gosh that's too hard to pick just one. I normally have one book crush per book. So picking just one is impossible for me. 

  5. I adore Kate and Curran in Ilona Andrews Kate Daniels series - plenty of head butting but also trust and love. Just adore them...:-)

  6. I have no kidding, the BIGGEST crush on the Darkling from Leigh Bardugo's The Gathering Dark. There is something so seductive about him, I just want to be like, TAKE ME AWAY AND WE CAN BE HAPPY :P hehe

  7. Noah from Pushing the Limits <3
    Thank you for the giveaway

  8. my fave couple all time is sebastian st.vincent and evie jenner from devil in the winter by lisa kleypas :)
    thx u so much....

  9. Uhm...I would have picked Noah and Echo too as the best couple but maybe I'd sound a little bit repetitive ;) So I choose Adam and Juliette from Shatter Me. And my biggest crush - well, it was not *the* biggest crush but I loved the supersweet and cute Patrick from Catastrophic History of You and Me :')

  10. Thank you so much for the giveaway and for making it international! :)
    Hmmmm, as for my book crush - I really liked Sam from Sophie Kinsella's I've Got Your Number and Four from Divergent (even though he's younger than me) :D

  11. I am with dian on this one it has to be Eve and Roarke in the 'in death' series of books they are great together and bounce off each other.

  12.  Love Noah and Echo from PTL! :)

  13.  I'm a big Four fan too  -- I hope they get that movie casting right for him! :)

  14.  Sounds like I need to check out this Fever series!!

  15.  He's a great guy! :)

  16. Happy Valentine's Day! My favorite bookish couple of all time would have to be Darcy and Elizabeth, but I also love Dimitri/Rose, Jay/Violet, and Anna/St.Clair.  I would say I have the biggest bookish crush on Darcy or Dimitri. ;) Thanks for this great giveaway!

  17. I have so many! Love Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, Margaret Hale and Mr. Thornton (North and South), Jane and Mr. Rochester, Katy and Daemon from Obsidian, just to name a few.

  18. My favorite couple is Stephanie Plum and Joe Morelli from Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series.

  19. My favorite book couple is Anna and Entienne of Anna and the French Kiss. And I had the biggest crush on Noah of the Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. 

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. Favourite book couple are Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet.  Biggest book crush was from a Santa Montefiore book called The Butterfly Box and it was a guy called Sam Appleby-  my perfect man haha!

  21. I love Edward and Bella from Twilight. They are so meant to be together.  That is true love. Once in a lifetime.

  22. Caroline Taylor07814 February 2013 at 20:43

    My favourite book crush is probably Kaidan from Sweet Evil, also like Daemon from Obsidian. I have way too many fave couples! I am reading The Coincidence Of Callie And Kayden at the mo and loving it, I imagine them becoming one of my fave couples!

  23. I do love Jamie & Claire from OUTLANDER.

  24. My favorite book couple is definitely Marcus Flutie and Jessica Darling!:) 

  25. My favourite book couple is Cat and Bones from the Night Huntress series!

  26. Biggest crush: Four from Divergent!!!

  27. I have a lot of book boyfriends, but my number one is probably Dexter from This Lullaby.

  28. Lucas from Easy by Tammara Webber!
    Thank you for the chance to win!

  29. My favorite book couple would be Gator and Iris from Nigh Game(: 
    My book crush...hmm...Jace from Mortal Instruments;D

  30. mmmm Rose and Dimitri are pretty epic in the VA series, I mean besides VA and Harry Potter I've never followed a series to their 7th books. But serious book crushes go to Travis (BD), Zadist (BDB) and Augustus Waters (TFiOS)

  31. Biggest book crush would have to be Ranger from Janet Evanovich "One for the money" series
    Best couple would be Noah and Ally from the Notebook-hands down/the end

  32. solarride rivernik23 February 2013 at 15:24

    I love Harry Potter :p 

  33. Thank you so much for the giveaway and for making it international! :)

  34. Thank you so much for the giveaway and for making it international! :)

  35. my fave book couples :
    Will - Layken from Slammed

  36.  my favorite couple is Darcy and Elizabeth

  37. My favorite book couple is Tris and Four from Divergent!

  38. My book crush would have to be Daemon from Lux series and my favourite couple would be Cat and Bones from Night Huntress.

  39. My fave book couple? Oh, I have so many! Lizzy Bennet & Mr, Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, Evie Jenner & Sebastian St. Vincent from Devil in Winter, Tris and Evie from Divergent, Katniss and Peeta from The Hunger Games to name a few..

    My biggest crush would be Mr. Darcy, Sebastian St. Vincent.. too many to list! LOL

  40. I love Rudy and Lissle from The Book Thief


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