
Wednesday 6 February 2013

Delightful Debutantes #37 - Yelena Black and Dance of Shadows +++ Giveaway! (UK Only).

Yelena Black is here today to talk all about her debut novel Dance of Shadows as part of the Dance of Shadows blog tour.  I've heard a lot of good things about this one, and can't wait to read it soon. Also, this has to be one of my all time favourite book covers. So pretty!

As an added bonus, UK readers can enter to win a copy of Dance of Shadows with thanks to Bloomsbury Publishing.


Describe Dance of Shadows in a tweet:

 Super scary thriller/love story set in an elite ballet academy in NYC.

Can you tell me what inspired you to write Dance of Shadows and also give me a quick rundown of your path to publication?

 Dance of Shadows was inspired by my experience with ballet as a young girl, and my love of literature and writing and all things super scary! When I finished my M.F.A., I had the spark of an idea for the book. I have the privilege of working with Ted Malawer and Michael Stearns at The Inkhouse, who helped shepherd me to publication, and the fabulous Bloomsbury Children’s Books both in the US and the UK who fell in love with Vanessa, believed in her story, and made my dream of publishing a novel a reality.

What is your writing process? How long did it take to write Dance of Shadows from start to finish? Typically, how many hours do you spend writing per day?

 I write every day. I usually get up in the mornings, have a big cup of coffee, and sit down at my computer. With Dance of Shadows, the first draft took me approximately six months to write, and then another six-eight months to revise.

What was your research process for Dance of Shadows? What’s the most interesting piece of information you came across in your research?

 I did a fair amount of research on the history of ballet. One interesting piece of information that I found out was that George Balanchine, approximately three months after moving to the United States, founded the School of American Ballet in New York City because he felt that Americans could not dance as well as he wanted them to, compared to his own classical training.

What are your top tips for any aspiring authors out there?

 Keep writing. Don’t take no for an answer. Find someone who believes in you and will be a sounding board for your ideas.

Can you name three other books that readers of Dance of Shadows might also enjoy?

 Sure! I am a huge fan of Cassandra Clare’s work, as well as Holly Black’s Curse Workers series. I also love Theo Lawrence’s Mystic City, which came out in October of 2012, and I think is super sexy and action-packed. And Lauren Kate’s Fallen books are wonderful paranormal romantic reads.

Can you tell me your favourite book/s of 2012 and also the 2013 releases you are most excited to read?

 Three of my favorite recent teen books are Theo Lawrence’s Mystic City, Jillian Larkin’s Diva (and the entire Flappers series), and Josh Berk’s The Dark Days of Hamburger Halpin. I am very excited to read the sequel to Mystic City, forthcoming in 2013, called Renegade Heart.

 What’s one debut YA novel should readers absolutely not miss out on in 2013? 

 I had the privilege of reading an ARC of Page Morgan’s The Beautiful and The Cursed. It’s incredible!


Find Yelena & Dance of Shadows Online:  Website ||  Twitter ||  Facebook

Read an Extract of Dance of Shadows

Win a copy of Dance of Shadows by Yelena Black
Open to: UK Only.
Closes: February 15th 2013.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Bookish Outsider6 February 2013 at 11:29

    I'm really looking forward to reading Dance Of Shadows, I read the sample chapters on my Kindle last month and I just wanted to carry on reading!

    Thanks for the giveaway, the library reservation list for this one is long!

  2. The cover for this book is STUNNING! That alone makes me want to read it, but I'm also fascinated by the fairly cutthroat world of ballet dancing. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this! Oh, and I agree totally on Mystic City, I'm dying for that sequel as well!

  3. Great interview!! I'm definitely adding this one to my list, it looks dark and twisty.. and I love that cover!! =)

  4. I used to love reading ballet books when I was younger - the Drina Ballerina series was my favourite so seeing someone writing about ballet now really intrigues me - especially mixed with scary - my current favourite genre! :-)

  5. That's so fascinating that ABT was founded because  Balanchine didn't think we Yanks had anything up to snuff! Figures. ;)

    Fun guest post, thanks so much for hosting it. I love ballet so I'm definitely interested in checking this one out.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  6. Ahh I LOVE ballet stories so I'll definitely be picking up a copy of this .. I'm especially keen to read this since she's a fan of Cassandra Clare who is my fave author ;P 
    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  7.  I agree - I love the cover to this one so much! I must bump Mystic City up my TBR pile!

  8. Oooo! This has been on my wishlist for a while, thanks for the chance :)
    I looooove the cover too! :D

  9. What a fabulous cover, would really love to win this. Thanks for the giveaway


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