
Wednesday 16 January 2013

Dance of Shadows by Yelena Black: Free three-chapter preview +++ Win an ARC! (UK Only!)

Did you know that you can now read the first three chapters of Yelena Black's highly anticipated Dance of Shadows for free?

Just head on over to Amazon where you can download a free preview copy of the book for Kindle and Kindle for PC.

Here's the link for the free preview copy: clicky

Dance of Shadows releases February 12th but thanks to Bloomsbury Publishing I have a proof  copy to give away to one lucky reader! To enter to win an early copy of Dance of Shadows just fill in the form below.

Competition is open to readers in the UK and closes January 26th 2013.


1 comment:

  1. Jim from YA Yeah Yeah21 January 2013 at 16:26

    Not entering as I've already got it, but just wanted to encourage other people to go for it - it's well worth reading!


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