
Friday 1 October 2010

Book Review: Angel by L.A Weatherly.

Product details:
Publisher: Usbourne Publishing Ltd.
Paperback, 512 pages.
Release date: October 1st 2010.
Ages: Young Adult.
Rating: 5 out of 5.
Source: Received from publisher for review.

In a world where angels are beyond redemption, Alex thinks he's found one that might deserve mercy. Alex is a ruthless assassin - of angels. Forget everything you've heard about them before. Angels are not benign celestial creatures, but fierce stalkers whose irresistible force allows them to feed off humans, draining them of their vitality until there is barely anything left. As far as Alex is concerned, the only good angel is a dead angel...until he meets Willow. She may look like a normal teenager but Willow is no ordinary girl. Half-angel, half-human, Willow may hold the key to defeating the evil angels. But as the hunter and the hunted embark on an epic and dangerous journey and Willow learns the dark and terrifying secrets of her past, Alex finds himself drawn to Willow...with devastating consequences. Eoin Colfer reinvented the fairy, Stephenie Meyer reinvented the vampire, L.A. Weatherly reinvents the angel! This is a heart-pounding, knuckle-whitening, paranormal romance action-adventure for fans of the "Twilight" series. This is the first in a devastating new trilogy.

I’ve been looking forward to reading Angel for months and months, and I have to say that this book  first fulfilled and then surpassed all my expectations. Angel is a stunning book. L.A Weatherly has reinvented the angel, and in doing so has created something really amazing! The young adult market is abundant with angel books right now, some great, some not so, but if you want one that has everything you need for a truly great read, then check this one out. It has a stunning storyline with intricate plot twists, lots of action and adventure, a great road trip and a swoon worthy romance to boot!

Forget everything you ever knew or thought you knew about angels. In this book the angels are the bad guys. Sightings of angels are increasing, people are awed by their beauty and flock to the cult-like Church of Angels to worship them. While the angels still appear to mortals as beautiful, celestial beings, on the inside they are dark and treacherous, harbingers of death and decay, bringing disease and mental disintegration to the people they touch as they suck the life force out of them. Most people cannot see past their outer veneer of beauty, but Alex can. He’s an Angel Killer and sees angels for what they really are. He believes that the only good angel is a dead angel and his one mission in life is to rid the world of these evil beings. That’s until he meets Willow, a half-angel girl who he should hate on sight, but who instead he finds himself drawn to, and with a bounty on her head, he finds he wants to save her…

Thus ensues a road trip across America where Alex and Willow are on the run. They are  falling for each other fast, but denying these feelings. Their romance simmers under the surface, it’s forbidden and heart-wrenching and all kinds of wonderful. Honestly it’s one of the most touching romances I’ve read in a while. The bond between Alex and Willow really rings true. Weatherly’s writing will pull you right into this world she has created and you won’t want to let go. This novel and it’s characters are truly captivating. Willow is such a unique character and one I warmed to immediately. I also loved the character of Alex. He’s a supremely hot guy, but with the life he’s had, you’ll find that there’s so much more to him than his looks.

This book has major crossover appeal, and I hope it’s going to be a big hit. It certainly deserves to be. I reserve my five star ratings for my absolute favourite reads, and this is most definitely joining that list. I’d recommend it to anybody. The ending of the book is also great. There are major revelations and plot twists that will leave you breathless. This is so good that once I picked it up I didn’t put it down. I raced through it in one sitting and was totally left wanting more. I can’t wait for book 2 in this series, Angel Fire, due for release in Spring 2011.

The Angel blog tour is stopping here October 5th. Make sure you check it out to find out L.A Weatherly's dream movie cast for Angel.


  1. You have convinced me....this sounds really great! I like the sound of the twist on typical angel mythology.

  2. This sounds like an amazing book. I just recently jumped on the Angel bandwagon. I’ll add this to my must reads.

  3. I was intrigued by this book before, but now I'm absolutely dying to read it! Amazing review! The cover really suggests that this is a different kind of read - I'm so glad it lives up to that! I love when an author takes a ubiquitous subject (*cough*vampiresangelswerewolvesfaeries*cough*) and completely reinvents it!

  4. Fab review! I love how you reviewed Angel. I desperately hope it will be available here in my country.

  5. Wow, I loved your review. Before this, I was actually not quite sure whether or not I'd want to read this, but your review absolutely sucked me in. I'm going to simply have to add this one to my TBR pile now. Angels really seem to be all the rage now, don't they?

  6. Oooo, I hadn't even heard of this book until now and now I can't wait to read it! I love books that I race through in one sitting, and I like the sound of the twist in this one. Thanks for the great review!!

  7. Just read another review for this book and that one was also very positive. It sounds really good.

  8. Love your review hun! Think you summed up my thoughts exactly! :)

  9. The book sounds amazing! I did not even hear about this book before.Thanks for the review!
    P.S I have been following your blog for a long time and I have to say its one of my favorites!
    Don't worry, I am not a stalker

  10. @Misha - I'm glad you like the blog, thanks! :) Don't worry, I won't think your a stalker. lol! Angel is a definite must read!

  11. Okay, I'm really curious now. Adding it to tbr list :)

  12. I just finished this book at the weekend and LOVED it!!

  13. @Lyndsey - I knew you would love it! I bet you totally fell for Alex too!

  14. I heard so many good things about this book! Totally want to read this!

  15. I only read the first paragraph but I definitely think I'm going to love it!

  16. I read it and loved it! I love Alex. He is so HOT! I read angel fire as well and it is amazing. Angel fever just got out right? I really wanna read it. Can u plz reply coz none of my friends have read this book and its of no use talking to them without them actually knowing Alex!

  17. And she's right angel is awesome. It's the best romance novel I've read in a while. It is a must read.

  18.  Yes, Alex is awesome! Love him! Angel Fever is not releasing for a while - not until next year. The author is still writing it at the moment. I'm sure it'll be worth the wait, though! Also, she chose her movie cast list for Angel on here - you can find it in the sidebar. What do you think of her pick for Alex?


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