
Sunday 12 September 2010

In My Mailbox #13 - New Books This Week!

In my Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren in which bloggers share the books they have received each week.

Three new books this week, all for review, and quite a nice mixture of genres too.  Should keep me entertained for a while!  This is a scheduled post as I'm away for the weekend, but if you leave a comment, I will be checking out your IMM when I get back.

Click on links for Goodreads descriptions.

For Review:

Single in the City by Michele Gorman - I haven't read much chick-lit in a while, although I used to be an avid reader a few years ago.  This one sounds like fun though. I've started it, and laughed out loud a few times already. I love the cover too. Super cute!

Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld - This one has been around a few years, and has been recently released with a new cover. I like it a lot.  It's a coming of age novel, set in a boarding school, so instantly appeals to me! 

Finding Sky by Joss Stirling - Finding Sky finally arrived last week. I thought it was lost in the post. Love the sound of this one. I like to have a little paranormal romance/urban fantasy amongst my post every week!

Let me know if you have read any of these books and share your IMM links in comments. :)


  1. Single in the City is pretty fun. It took me about 70 pages to get into properly, but after that it was great. Prep also sounds fantastic (I really need to read it soon!) and I'm so glad Finding Sky finally showed up. Yay!

    Have a great week!

  2. Haven't read any of these, but Single in the City looks cute...I've kinda been in the mood for some chick lit lately =)

  3. Single in the City was in my mailbox too. I read the first few pages and it seems like it will be fun. Adding Finding Sky to my TBR shelf. I had no idea it was paranormal. The cover is a little deceiving.

    Enjoy your books!

  4. They all sound like great books! Love the cover for Single in the City- very cute! I hope you enjoy them. :)

  5. I got prep a feew weeks ago in a charity shop for 30p it was the old cover but still score :D
    I really like the sound of Finding Sky :D

  6. i started prep a long time ago and then proceeded to put it back down again, hope you like it more than i did.

  7. Interesting titles! I hope you enjoy them!

  8. I loved SitC and I can't wait to read Prep on my holiday very soon! Great haul & happy reading! :D

  9. I have heard of Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld, and it does sounds nice. I always love reading about boardingschools and drama! ;) Enjoy the books you got in your mailbox this week.

  10. Yay! You finally got Finding Sky. Hope you like it :D

  11. I hated Single in the City. Finding Sky and Prep both look great, can't wait to see your thoughts on them!

  12. Finding Sky sounds so great. Happy reading! :)

  13. Ooh, you have Finding Sky. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on that. I'm dying to read that one! Enjoy your books - looking forward to your reviews as always!

  14. Nice book selection! I love Prep. It's a great book. I especially like the cover you have. Finding Sky looks interesting. I'll have to check that out. Here's my IMM. Happy reading!

  15. These all look good. My mailboxes are here and here. Happy reading!


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