
Saturday 28 August 2010

In My Mailbox #12 - New books this week!

In my Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren in which bloggers share the books they have received each week.

I'm really happy with the books I got this week - one for review (Crescendo! Yay!) and one from Bookmooch, which I love the sound of. But, I'm also not happy with the fact that lately a lot of my books seem to be taking ages to arrive or just not turning up at all. We have a new postman, and I'm not too impressed. I'm not quite sure what all this has to do with my IMM post, but I like to have a little rant sometimes. Hopefully the other books I was expecting will arrive soon. Grrr....

Nora should have know her life was far from perfect. Despite starting a relationship with her guardian angel, Patch (who, title aside, can be described anything but angelic), and surviving an attempt on her life, things are not looking up. Patch is starting to pull away and Nora can't figure out if it's for her best interest or if his interest has shifted to her arch-enemy Marcie Millar. Not to mention that Nora is haunted by images of her father and she becomes obsessed with finding out what really happened to him that night he left for Portland and never came home.

The farther Nora delves into the mystery of her father's death, the more she comes to question if her Nephilim blood line has something to do with it as well as why she seems to be in danger more than the average girl. Since Patch isn't answering her questions and seems to be standing in her way, she has to start finding the answers on her own. Relying too heavily on the fact that she has a guardian angel puts Nora at risk again and again. But can she really count on Patch or is he hiding secrets darker than she can even imagine?

Thanks to Simon & Schuster for sending me this for review.

 Jenny Shepherd is twelve years old and missing…

Her teacher, Sarah Finch, knows better than most that the chances of finding her alive are diminishing with every day she is gone.

As a little girl her older brother had gone out to play one day and never returned. The strain of never knowing what has happened to Charlie had ripped Sarah’s family apart. Now in her early twenties, she is back living at home, trapped with a mother who drinks too much and keeps her brother’s bedroom as a shrine to his memory.

Then, horrifically, it is Sarah who finds Jenny’s body, beaten and abandoned in the woods near her home. As she’s drawn into the police investigation and the heart of a media storm, Sarah’s presence arouses suspicion too. But it not just the police who are watching her...

Let me know what you think of the books I got this week, and share your picks in comments! :)


  1. Ooooh Crescendo. I guess you can say quality over quantity this week huh? xx

  2. Congrats on getting crescendo, you should love it. Great mailbox.

  3. You have some great reading to look forward to! I really enjoyed Crescendo and hope you do too. Here’s my IMMB

  4. Ohh! I am so jealous- you got Crescendo! I can't wait for that one. I pre-ordered it awhile back. good luck with the new postman- that's not fun! :(

  5. So, so jealous that you've got Crescendo. I'm so dying to read that :-) I will be keeping my eyes glued to your blog for your review. Hope you enjoy it!

  6. Ohh.. Crescendo! So jealous. Hope you enjoy reading this.

    The Missing sounds awesome too :)

  7. yay! i have the crescendo arc too :) Enjoy!!

  8. Whoa, The Missing sounds so intense! I love the mystery aspect, though. I'm sure you'll enjoy them both!

  9. Crescendo! Woot Woot! I can't wait to get that one, even though Hush Hush wasn't my favourite :)


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