
Wednesday 14 July 2010

Waiting on Wednesday #16 - Delcroix Academy: The Candidates by Inara Scott.

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted at Breaking the Spine that spotlights eagerly awaited upcoming releases.

The Candidates (Delcroix Academy #1)
Hyperion Books.
Hardcover, 304 pages.
Release date: August 24th 2010.
Target Age Group: Young Adult.

Product description from Amazon:

Dancia Lewis is far from popular. And that's not just because of her average grades or her less-than-glamorous wardrobe. In fact, Dancia's mediocrity is a welcome cover for her secret: whenever she sees a person threatening someone she cares about, things just...happen. Cars skid. Structures collapse. Usually someone gets hurt.  So Dancia does everything possible to avoid getting close to anyone, believing this way she can suppress her powers and keep them hidden.

But when recruiters from the prestigious Delcroix Academy show up in her living room to offer her a full scholarship, Dancia's days of living under the radar may be over. Only, Delcroix is a school for diplomats' kids and child geniuses--not B students with uncontrollable telekinetic tendencies.  So why are they treating Dancia like she's special? Even the hottest guy on campus seems to be going out of his way to make Dancia feel welcome.

And then there's her mysterious new friend Jack, who can't stay out of trouble. He suspects something dangerous is going on at the Academy and wants Dancia to help him figure out what.  But Dancia isn't convinced. She hopes that maybe the recruiters know more about her "gift" than they're letting on. Maybe they can help her understand how to use it...But not even Dancia could have imagined what awaits her behind the gates of Delcroix Academy.

I've always loved books that are set in boarding schools, and if they have a supernatural element to them, then even better! This totally sounds like my thing, and even better, I won a copy last week, so I can't wait for it to arrive so I can get stuck in!

What are you waiting on this week?


  1. Wow, that cover really grabbed me, and what an intriguing slant on the boarding school tale.

    Here's mine:

  2. Oh, I have seen over at Book Depository. THis one sounds like a great read.

  3. This sounds great! My WoW is here :) It's The Red Queen, just seen you're part of the blog tour - so jealous! How did you manage that?

  4. I'm waiting on The Candidates too! (I'm waiting on a lot of books, but really...who isn't?)

    This week I am waiting on Crossing the Tracks by Barbara Stuber.

  5. I'm looking forward to this release too. The cover art is great!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    An Avid Reader's Musings

  6. This looks good. I haven't heard of it before, so thanks for putting it on my radar!

    Mine's here if you're interested. :)

  7. That is a pretty awesome cover. I haven't heard of this one, but it sounds great. I will had to add it to my TBR pile. Great pick this week!

  8. This sounds good! God. I wish I could get a book-reading vacation; there's just so much!

  9. LOVE everything about this one, from the cover to the synopsis - great pick!

  10. i love stories set in boarding schools as well, and like you, i can't wait to read this. i'll be looking out for your review of it :)

  11. Great pick! The cover is amazing. My WOW is at The Crowded Leaf.

  12. Oh, this sounds great! Thanks for sharing! I've added it to my wishlist. My WoW is here

  13. Ooh, I'm also looking forward to this one! Awesome pick for the week :)

  14. whoa~ awesome cover!! i definitely want to read this!

  15. I love books set in boarding schools too, especially if it has supernatural elements. I probably like them because I never went to one. It's probably the mystery of the unknown. One of my favorite books series is Private. I can't wait to read Shadow Hills. I went to B&N today, but they didn't have it.

    Hope you enjoy the book!

  16. Congrats on the win! This looks like it's going to be a good one!!

  17. Ohhh, I've always been fascinated by boarding school books as well! Sounds like a good one :)

    Thanks for your comment on my WOW as well Leanna!


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