
Wednesday 7 July 2010

Waiting on Wednesday #15 - The Ivy by Lauren Kunze with Rina Onur & Sisters Red winner announced!

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted at Breaking the Spine that spotlights eagerly awaited upcoming releases.

The Ivy
Greenwillow Books
Hardcover, 320 pages.
Release date: August 31st 2010.

Freshman year at Harvard--glamorous parties, blossoming friendships, steamy romances, and scandalous secrets. Skip the campus tour and get right to the good stuff: classes are for scoping guys (and their Facebook profiles), not taking notes. The library is for study dates (the medieval history stacks get a lot of action), not studying. And success is a 4.0 GPA... plus getting into the most exclusive parties. How will Callie--a California girl with brains, beauty, and big dreams--and her three roommates survive?

Get admitted to The Ivy, the first book in a provocative new series about the world of the Ivy League.

I had this as my Waiting on Wednesday post last week, but I accidentally deleted it after an hour (don't ask!), so here it is again!  This looks like a fun read to me, full of steamy romances and scandalous secrets. Kinda like a grown up Gossip Girl! I know this one was available at BEA, so if anyone has read it, I'd love to know what you thought!


 I also have to announce the winner of my Sisters Red competition! The lucky winner is Tammy February, so send her your congrats! I'll be sending the prize out once I get Tammy's details!
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I'm looking forward to this too. I like seeing YA branch into college.

  2. I can't believe I won :) Thank you so much - you've turned a relatively crap start to the day to an awesome, awesome one :)

    PS. The Ivy does seem like it's going to be a fab read :)Going to add it to my books to read list for sure.

  3. @bookfairy Congrats! Got your email & I'll be sending the book very soon! :)

  4. Sounds really interesting! Great pick!

  5. I love the setting in this and would love to read. Great pick.

  6. Sounds like a movie waiting to be made :)

  7. I like that YA is branching into college too. And what could be a better setting than Harvard?! The Ivy is definitely going on my wishlist.

  8. This sounds like a nice twist to the usual YA tales...

    Here's mine:

  9. I haven't heard of this one before, thanks for brining it to my radar. It sounds so good!

  10. I'm really looking forward to this one! Hoping it won't disappoint me.


  11. Definitely reminded me of Gossip Girl. Nice pick. My WOW is at The Crowded Leaf.

  12. Have this one in my TBR. Follower now!

  13. Great pick! I also love the sound of this one. And I really love the red on the cover-it's super gorgeous!


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