
Saturday 3 July 2010

In My Mailbox #7 - New books from the past two weeks!

  In my Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren in which bloggers share the books they have received each week.

I didn't do an IMM post last week, as I had a pretty empty mailbox. So, here are all my books from the last two weeks!

Click on links for Goodreads/Amazon descriptions. 

Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus
I had a great contest win on Anastasia's blog a while back, and my copy of Shadow Hills is a signed ARC. Yay! I also won some great Shadow Hills swag. Can't wait to read this!

For Review/Red Queen Blog Tour:

The White Queen by Philippa Gregory
Loved this! Read my review: here.

The Red Queen by Philippa Gregory.
I love great historical fiction and can't wait to start reading this one!

More for Review:

Angel by L.A. Weatherly
I seriously can't wait to read this one. I featured it on the blog a while back and have been excited to read it ever since!
No and Me by Delphine de Vigan.
I don't know much about this one, but it sounds like an interesting one. If you've read it, let me know what you thought. 

Second Hand Heart by Catherine Ryan Hyde.
This is the first book in my Transworld Summer Reading Challenge. Sounds like a good one!

Let me know what you think of the books and what you got in your mailbox this week!
Happy reading!


  1. looks like you had a great haul, enjoy!

  2. Oh! Angel! Happy reading! Looking forward to your reviews!

  3. I'm really looking forward to Angel when I get to it! No and Me is really good but sad too, really makes you think. Happy reading!

  4. That Angel cover is so beautiful! And by the way, great pick Leanna!

  5. Ah I'm so excited for The Red Queen to come out. Hope you enjoy it as much as you did The White Queen

  6. Wow Shadow Hills *squee* No & Me and Second Hand HEart sound really good too. Happy reading :D

  7. Shadow Hills sounds so good, and I'm looking forward to reading Angel. Also really enjoyed No and Me. Great week!

  8. You got some great books! Enjoy them :)

  9. Great new stuff! How lucky you get to read Angel!

  10. Oh wow, what a great haul!

    I've always wanted to read The White Queen, so shall have to check out your review of it :) Hope you also enjoy The Red Queen

  11. Have you read anything else by Philippa Gregory?

  12. So jealous that you have Shadow Hills. I absolutely cannot wait for that book :) Hope you enjoy all your new reads for the week - definitely some fabulous books that you've received.

  13. Awesome books! They sound so good. Love the cover of Angel by L.A. Weatherly. Looking forward to your review of it. :) Happy reading.

  14. Philippa Gregory is a great author. I end up liking all her books.

  15. wow! what awesome books! they all sound fabulous, love the covers too! hope you enjoy them all! happy reading!

  16. You got some good looking books! I'm on a tour for Shadow Hills and really looking forwad to it. I hope you enjoy it! And the Phillipa Gregory books look great!

  17. You got a great group of books this week. I have already pre-ordered Shadow Hills and can't wait until it is published. Here is my mailbox this week. Happy reading!

  18. hi leanna! fantastic books this week. the covers on the phillipa gregory books look great and you're so lucky to have an early copy of shadow hills--really want to read that book.

    have a great 4th of july,

  19. @Rae - I've read The Other Boleyn Girl. Loved that one too. I plan to read the rest of the Tudors series after I finish The Cousins War.

  20. Looks like a good set of books. I've only read one Phillips Gregory book but I'd like to read more.
    I'll be a new follower in a second.

  21. I want to read Shadow Hills too, I hope you enjoy!

  22. Shadow Hills is nothing short of amazing!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! :)
    Happy reading this week!

  23. Yay! I am so glad you'll be reading The Red Queen as well - that way we can chat about it. When do you think you'll start it? Let me know. I am very jealous of the signed Shadow Hills. I can't wait to read that one. Enjoy your books!

  24. Angel looks the cover. I saw this one at Bart's Bookshelf too.

  25. Congrats on reading the contest and receiving Shadow Hills! Always wanted to read that one :


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