
Friday 16 July 2010

Friday Fun! Two Great New Book Trailers, Blog Hop & Competition Reminders!

This week I came across two great trailers for books that I'm really excited to read.  I think both of these sounds great.  Unfortunately, in this part of the world, we have to wait a little longer for our books.  Our American friends get these two soon, very soon.  But, if you can't wait for the UK releases, there's always The Book Depository!

Trailer for Halo by Alexandra Adornetto.
Published: August 31st 2010 by Feiwel & Friends (US) & December 28th 2010 by ATOM (UK)
I love the US cover for this.  I wonder if they'll change it for the UK release? Hmmmm....

Next up is the trailer for Paranormalcy by Kiersten White. This sounds like a fun read, and a new take on the paranormal genres.
Published:  August 31st 2010 by HarperTeen (US) & January 6th 2011 by HarperCollins Children's Books (UK)

I'm hopping around the blogosphere again this Friday with the Blog Hop hosted at Crazy-for-Books  and Follow my book blog Friday hosted at Parjunkee's View. 

If you start following my blog via either of these memes, please leave a comment and I will follow you back! I love meeting new bloggers and checking out their blogs!

Oh, and the hop question: What book am I dying to get my hands on right now? Well, Halo by Alexandra Adornetto and Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick are definitely top of my list! I can't wait to read those two!

Don't forget I have two great competitions running at the moment!

Enter here to win some Shadow Hills swag! International/ends July 17th.
Enter here to win a $40 gift voucher from CSN Stores. US/Canada/ends July 20th.

Hope everybody has a great weekend!


  1. Thanks for stopping by!! And thanks so much for telling me how to fix the form. I couldn't figure it out and I really didn't have the patience for it last night because I was too excited to host the giveaway! lol

  2. Hopping by! I'm following you. Great blog.

  3. Thanks for stopping by! Returning the favor, I'm a new follower!

  4. Hello there! I am a new follower. Great blog!

    Have a great weekend!


  5. happy hopping! loved the vids :)

  6. Great trailers! Thanks for sharing those. And happy hop day!

    Megan @Read It, See It

  7. Just hopping by to say hello! I am following and can’t wait to read more from your blog. I am excited to get my hands on Last Sacrifice. I have a Crescendo contest going on and here is my link for my Follow Friday

  8. I think I will add Halo to my Wishlist also.

    My post is here.

  9. Hi Leanna,stopping by from the Hop. Great book trailers, I am intrigued!

    Have a great weekend,Bonnie

  10. I love both of these trailers! Have a great weekend! :)

  11. Hey you, just following on the hop and the Friday Follow. Great site. Come visit me.
    See ya!

  12. Hopping through. I'm already a follower. Have a great weekend!

  13. I cannot wait for Paranormalcy!

  14. Hi - old follower stopping by to let you know about my contest for a $70 Gift code at CSN - I hope you will stop by!

    Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it!

If you are a book blogger and have taken the time to comment, I will make sure to come visit your blog and return the favour. :)

Please note: This blog is now an award free zone. Thanks to everyone who has awarded the blog in the past.