
Wednesday 23 June 2010

Waiting on Wednesday #14 - Personal Demons by Lisa Desrochers.

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted at Breaking the Spine that spotlights eagerly awaited upcoming releases.

Personal Demons (Personal Demons #1)
Tor Teen
Hardcover, 364 pages.
Release date: September 14th 2010.
Target Age Group: Young Adult.

Frannie Cavanaugh is a good Catholic girl with a bit of a wicked streak. She's spent years keeping everyone at a distance—even her closest friends—and it seems her senior year will be more of the same...until Luc Cain enrolls in her class. No one knows where he came from, but Frannie can't seem to stay away from him. What she doesn't know is that Luc works in Acquisitions—for Hell—and she possesses a unique skill set that has the King of Hell tingling with anticipation. All Luc has to do is get her to sin, and he’s as tempting as they come. Frannie doesn’t stand a chance.

Unfortunately for Luc, Heaven has other plans, and the angel, Gabe, is going to do whatever it takes to make sure that Luc doesn’t get what he came for. And it isn't long before they find themselves fighting for more than just her soul.

But if Luc fails, there will be Hell to pay…for all of them.

Oh, I like the sound of this one! I'm pretty excited to read it. It's not being published in the UK as of yet, but I'll definitely be ordering this one from The Book Depository.  I may have a thing for Luc already. He sounds so sexy and dangerous! This is the first in a new trilogy, and for more information, be sure to check out Lisa Derochers blog - it's a lot of fun over there.  You can find some great contests and sneak peeks of Personal Demons!

Let me know what you think of my choice this week and share your WoW picks in comments. :)


  1. Definitely one for my wish list. Sounds like a fun read.

  2. I agree with Jan, this is getting added to my wishlist.

  3. Ooh, working for Acquisitions...what an intriguing twist.

    Here's mine:

  4. This sounds great! Thanks for sharing! Another book added to my tbr pile!

    My WoW is here.

  5. Love the sound of this book - and you're right - Luc sounds super sexy doesn't he? :) Will also be ordering this from The Book Depository once it's released.

  6. Definitely sounds like a fun read. I will have to check this one out. Good pick!

  7. I do like the sounds of this one!! Great choice!!

  8. This one sounds good! Nice choice :)

  9. A few different bloggers have picked this one today - it sounds really interesting. I'm definitely going to have to check it out.

  10. i hadn't heard of this one before. looks really good!

  11. this does sound great. mine is is a realistic fiction that I just heard about.


  12. wow amazing choice! i did not know about this book until just now, but i can't wait to read it already! it sounds like a really interesting take on the classic love triangle. thank you so much for drawing my attention to it!

  13. Ohhh, I've had a few people have Personal Demons on their lists - I'm intrigued now.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog - everyone made me feel very welcome at my first WOW :)

  14. If you want a chance to read PERSONAL DEMONS, I'm giving away a copy on my blog :)


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