
Wednesday 19 May 2010

Waiting on Wednesday #9 - Bright Young Things by Anna Godbersen.

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted at Breaking the Spine that spotlights eagerly awaited upcoming releases.

Bright Young Things - Anna Godbersen.
Hardcover, 416 pages.
Release date: October 26th 2010.
Target age group: Young Adult.

Bright Young Things is the first in an epic four-book series about three teenage girls finding their way in the glittering metropolis of New York City and the glamorous mansions of Long Island. It’s 1929 and Letty Larkspur and Cordelia Grey have escaped their small Midwestern town to chase big dreams and even bigger secrets. In New York, they meet Astrid Donal, a flapper who has everything she could ever want, except for the one thing Letty and Cordelia have to offer—true friendship. Set in the dizzying summer before the market crash, against the vast lawns of the East End and on the blindingly lit stages of Broadway, the three girls will find romance, intrigue, and adventure.

Just as The Luxe books brought the Gilded Age to readers of Gossip Girl, Bright Young Things will bring the Jazz Age to bestselling author Anna Godbersen’s devoted fans and to new readers alike.

I still haven't gotten around to reading The Luxe series by Anna Godbersen, even though it's a series I really think I'd like.  I love the sound of this new book from the author, and can't wait to read it!

What is your Waiting on Wednesday pick for this week?


  1. I haven't read The Luxe serie, but someday I'm going to. This one sounds nice :)

    My "Waiting on Wednesday"

  2. It sounds like it will be a fantastic read!

  3. I've heard such good things about Anna Godbersen and a story set in late 20's NY? Sold.

  4. I am DEFINITELY waiting on this one as well. I am pretty excited for it. Great pick!

  5. I also can't wait for this book to come out! I love The Luxe series, you should definitely give those books a try.

  6. I only have read the first book in the LUXE series and I enjoyed it. So I think I need to finish reading that one first, before i start this new series. But the cover is amazing!

  7. Ooh gotta love epic series! Nice pick. My WOW Is at The Crowded Leaf.

  8. Great pick! I loved The Luxe series and I'm incredibly excited about this one too, it sounds fantastic! :D

  9. Sounds really good...and the cover does help ;)

  10. I haven't read The Luxe series either (Do have #1 on the shelf though) Love the sound of this one too, especially the era it's set in!

  11. I haven't read The Luxe series either, but I love the summary of this one.

  12. like you, i haven't read the luxe series yet, but bright young things looks like a promising new series :D

  13. I seem to be following a trend here - I haven't read The Luxe either! I've been wanting to because I've heard that it's an amazing series, and Bright Young Things sounds great, too.

  14. I love this era with flappers.. It sound like a great book and I have added to my to buy list. Anna is also a new author to me so have added her to my list. Loved the review.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  15. Oh. Em. Gee. I LOVED THIS SERIES SO MUCH!!! That twist at the end, though! Well, not really a twist, since it was romantic and all. . .

  16. I know! I read the series CAUSE of that! I've always loved the stories from that time period. . . .


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