
Monday 31 May 2010

Author Interview: Rebecca James & Beautiful Malice giveaway!

Today I have an interview with Australian author Rebecca James who has written one of my favourite reads of this year Beautiful Malice.  Read on for your chance to find out more about Rebecca and for a chance to win an ARC of Beautiful Malice.

About Rebecca James:
from publishers website

Rebecca was born in Sydney, Australia, in 1970. She spent her early twenties working as a waitress, her late twenties teaching English in Indonesia and Japan, and most of her thirties having babies and working as a kitchen designer.

She has started several university degrees but has yet to place any letters after her name. Despite her highly developed procrastinatory skills she has somehow managed to finish writing a book or two - and plans to spend her forties, fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties and nineties finishing several more.

She lives in Armidale, Australia with her partner and their four sons.

Find out more about Rebecca:

Q:  Beautiful Malice is  a publishing sensation having sold to 37 countries and you are being hailed as the new J.K Rowling by the Wall Street Journal.  It must be a very exciting time for you! How has your life changed since your book was sold, and how did you celebrate when you heard that you were going to be published?

A: Yes, it has been an incredibly exciting time - exciting and terrifying and surreal all at once! My life has changed most significantly in that I'm now a full time writer - which is a great privilege indeed and I couldn't be happier. I've had several celebrations in the last 10 or so months and most of them have involved a lot of champagne, plenty of delighted squealing, and even, once or twice, a few happy tears.

Q: You've written a wonderful psychological thriller in Beautiful Malice. I was totally engrossed in the story and the characters. Where did you get the inspiration for the story? Were there any particular people or certain events in your life that you drew inspiration from?

A: Thank you. I guess I'm just really interested in dysfunctional relationships - and the numerous different ways they can manifest. I'm also fascinated by the fact that so many people tolerate toxic friendships and love thinking about the reasons why. What makes a person vulnerable? And equally interesting, what motivates the bully - what personal demons might they be dealing with themselves?

Personally, I've had quite a few less-than-perfect friendships. My best friend in pre-school used to pull my hair daily! But, thankfully, I've never met anyone quite like Alice.

Q: Was Beautiful Malice written as a Young Adult book or did you have an adult audience in mind when you wrote it? The book is being published as Young Adult in Australia, but as an adult book in the US, while the UK is marketing it towards 15-30 year olds. What was your intended audience?

A: I didn't really think about the audience much until I was nearing the end and wondering how to pitch it to agents. My agent, Jo Unwin, eventually pitched it as both an adult and YA novel and that's reflected in how it's being published.

Q: I think Beautiful Malice would make a great movie.  As I was reading it, I was playing casting director in my head.  Is there any possibility of a Beautiful Malice movie? Have the movie rights been optioned?

A: I'd love it to be made into a movie - but there's nothing concrete yet ! It would be great fun to cast Alice...

Q: Your next book is a thriller called Cooper Bartholomew is Dead. Can you give me any further details on this one? 

A: Top secret - well, not really, just not ready to talk about it until it's in better shape. 

Q: What prompted you to start writing? Was it something you always did in your spare time, or was it because you had a great idea for a book that just had to be written?  How long did you spend writing Beautiful Malice from start to finish? 

A: I started writing in my thirties when I had four very young sons  - I  think I needed an escape, and a creative outlet. Beautiful Malice took about two years to write from start to finish.

Q: Can you recommend a great book that you think everybody should read and let me know what you're reading at the moment?

A:  I can thoroughly recommend Vilette by Charlotte Bronte  and  I'm currently  reading So Much For That by Lionel Shriver.


*Contest closed!*

Thanks so much to Rebecca for taking the time to answer my questions.  To be in with a chance to win an ARC of Beautiful Malice, all you have to do is comment on this interview.  If  you comment and don't want to be entered into the competition, please state this. :) You don't have to be a follower to enter, but if you don't follow, please remember to check back here on Monday, June 7th to find out if you've won.  I'll be picking a winner then who will have 48 hours to email me with their contact details before I pick a new winner.  This contest is international.


  1. WHOOOOOOO!!! Go the Aussies!!! Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!! :D LOL, I'm so dorky :P

  2. Great interview and great contest!Thanks for making it international!
    I am a follower, and this is my email :

  3. i've had my share of toxic friendships. who hasn't? :\ great interview! and i love that she started writing as a creative outlet, and now she's making waves as a professional author :D

  4. I just ended a 15 year friendship. I couldn't handle it anymore. Sometimes, you just have to do what is best for you. I would love to read this book.

  5. This book looks so GOOD!
    Amazing interview, btw.
    I would love to be entered in the contest. Thankyou :)

  6. Great interview! I hadn't heard of Beautiful Malice but it sounds good, I'm going to add it to my list! Thanks!


  7. This book looks great and what a gorgeous cover! It's brilliant that the contest is international :)

  8. Never thought a malice can be so beautiful read..I have put this one on my TBR pile and have a high hope for this one =)

    darlyn225 AT gmail DOT com

  9. This looks like a great book! I would love to be entered!

  10. What a great interview ... Aussie Aussie Aussie ... yeah! Would love to be entered into this competition, this sounds like a great read.

  11. Great contest and fab interview. I haven't read any books by Charlotte Bronte, but thank you for the recommendation! :)
    I would love to get a chance to read the book.

  12. This book looks fantastic, I would love the chance to read it! :)

  13. Great interview and this book sound interesting! ^^ I would love a chance to be able to win a copy. Thanks so much for this giveaway!

    vesipisaroita [at] gmail [dot] com

  14. This book seems interesting. I wud love to read the book!

  15. Great interview...the book sounds really good!

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  16. Great interview and contest.

    EternalNight06 at gmail dot com

  17. Amazing giveaway!You can count me in.

  18. I'm SO excited for this. Count me in!

  19. I'd not heard of this book until now. Great interview! I shall def be looking this book up!

    Thanks for making it international!


  20. This book sounds awesome!!! Please enter me!!!!!


  21. saw this book on spellbound by books.Looks really Great interview...though everyone else has said it and rightly so.

    Would be nice to read the arc too!

  22. Don't enter me, already have the ARC. LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this book.
    Great interview. I think this book would make a great movie too.
    I didn't know it was being published as adult in the us and ya in other places.
    Can't wait for her next book.

  23. Great interview. I would love to read this book so I have added to my wishlist and Rebecca to my new author list.
    Rebecca, I know you are already writing your next novel but have you thought of the book after that?
    I have not read Vilette so I will have to ck it out. I have read several Bronte books and enjoyed them.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway and the opportunity to enter.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  24. Who hasn't had a toxic relationship? I think everyone has had them, even myself. And sometimes you think its more important to keep a toxic friend than not having any friend at all.

    I'd love to read this book, please enter me!

    magabygc AT

  25. I really enjoyed reading this interview. I'd love to read her book now!
    jentam777 AT gmail DOT com

  26. I have five daughters and one of them may be interested in reading you book about friendships. Thanks, gahome2mom

  27. This sounds so good! Great interview :)
    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  28. Awesome interview :D! I've been hearing tons about Beautiful Malice and can't wait to read it!

  29. Grat interview! Beautiful malice sounds great, I'd love to be entered to win this one.

    I follow on gfc

    mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

  30. I'd also love to enter this competition.:) I've read some great reviews on this and am dying to read this book.My email is and I am a follower too :)

  31. please enter me in this giveaway ! i would love to read the book :)

    uniquas at ymail dot com

  32. I have read some great reviews of the book and would love to get my hands on a copy.

    Hope you get to finish a university course now that the book has been published.

    Thanks for opening the giveaway up to worldwide entries.

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  33. Loved reading this interview. What a great giveaway, please include me. streetchamplizb at

  34. Yay, an Aussie author! Wow, she must be good - being hailed as the new J.K Rowling! Great interview. I've been really interested in reading Beautiful Malice since I first stumbled across the synopsis, it sounds terrific. I would love to be entered!


  35. I'd love to read this book!

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  36. Side note (not an entry): Your page is pretty fabulous :)
    Happy day!

  37. Please count me in!
    Would love to win!

  38. This book looks awesome.


  39. Ooo...Villette by Charlotte Bronte. I've been wanting to get around to that one. I loved Jane Eyre! Great interview, and thanks so much for the giveaway! :)


  40. Glad you guys are enjoying the interview! Keep those entries coming! :)

  41. Great interview Leanna, I'd love to win!

  42. Wow I've heard of this novel for quite some time now. It sounds really interesting! Nice interview-- I love reading about authors and how they thought of the idea of their writings. :) Thanks for making this giveaway international!


  43. Villette is one of my favourite novels - I'd be intrigued to read this novel!
    thanks -

  44. Please enter me. I can't wait to read this book.

    dhesh at webmail dot co dot za

  45. She started writing after she had 4 young sons?! Impressive! I come from a family of 4 girls so to find the time to write from home was a difficult task, to say the least. :)

    My e-mail:

    **I'm now following Daisy Chain Books & Rebecca James from my Twitter account, @IowaHawkeyeMeg :)

  46. lovely interview, some great questions and answers thank you for making it international, im in :)

  47. Great Interview! I'd love to read this book :)


  48. I see that the author is from Australia.This sounds like a great read. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

  49. This book is already on my wishlist! Please enter me. And thank you for making this contest international! :)

    Giada M.

    fabgiada @

  50. Great interview. This book sounds absolutely wonderful. I love thrillers, and would really like to read this book. Please enter me. Thanks!


  51. Four sons? How in the world did you ever find the time and energy to write?!


  52. I'd so love to read this book! Please enter me :)

  53. Thanks for bringing this book to my attention! Please enter me into the draw, would love to read it :)

  54. Wow, it's amazing how a little interview like this could make me really, really want to read a book! So I'm going to cross my fingers for this giveaway contest, but also do a little look-see in case I don't win so I can get my hands on a copy at a bookstore near me:)

  55. Sounds like a great book. Thanks so much for taking the time for the interview and sharing!!

  56. I have heard great things about this book and your review certainly made me curious to check it out. Thank you for this interviewa nd for the giveaway! (please enter me)

  57. Having heard so many wonderful things about this book I am looking forward to reading it.

    Great interview and I am also a fan of Villette.

  58. I read and I like! See in


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