
Sunday 25 April 2010

In My Mailbox #2 - April 25th 2010.

 In my Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren in which bloggers share the books they have received every week. 

The books I ordered from Amazon finally arrived, so I finally got started on my 2010 Debut Author challenge.  

Have to say I much prefer the US cover of Hex Hall, but it's too expensive on import from Amazon, so I had to go with the paperback. I know, I know, sometimes I place way too much importance on book covers. It's what's inside that counts, but I like nice packaging too! 

   Bought from Amazon: 

 Read my Hex Hall review & enter to win a copy of the book: here.

Received from publisher for review:
I was so very, very, very excited  about this book! I admit that I picked it up planning on reading a few chapters to see what it was all about, and two hours later I was totally engrossed in the story and couldn't  put it down! Expect a review tomorrow. I loved this book!!

Who is Katherine Patterson? It is a question she hopes no one can answer. To erase her past, Katherine has moved to a new city, enrolled in a new school, and even changed her name. She’s done the next best thing to disappearing altogether. Now, wary and alone, she seeks nothing more than anonymity. What she finds instead is the last thing she expected: a friend.

Even more unlikely, Katherine’s new friend is the most popular and magnetic girl in school. Extroverted, gorgeous, flirtatious, and unpredictable, she is everything that Katherine is not and doesn’t want to be: the center of attention. Yet Alice’s enthusiasm is infectious, her candor sometimes unsettling, and Katherine, in spite of her guarded caution, finds herself drawn into Alice’s private circle.
But Alice has secrets, too—darker than anyone can begin to imagine. And when she lets her guard down at last, Katherine discovers the darkest of them all. For there will be no escaping the past for Katherine Patterson—only a descent into a trap far more sinister . . . and infinitely more seductive.

That's what was in my mailbox this week.   Now tell me what you got!
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  1. Oh, I can't wait to read Hex Hall and The Body Finder. I'd love to hear what you think of them either. :-) I've heard a lot about Firespell... Also tell me if it's good! :P Great week! Hope you enjoy all three!

  2. I know what you mean - I like to have books with nice covers, too. :) Great books this week!

  3. Hey,

    I saw you on book blogger hop so I thought I should stop by and after looking at your blog I Clicked and now im a follower.
    Stop by on my blog:

  4. I loved Hex Hall and The Body Finder.....TBF was one of my favorites reads so far this year! I hope you enjoy your books!

  5. Great books....I need to pick up Hex Hall. I've heard good things about it.

  6. I have all three of these books, but have yet to read them! I hope you enjoy them all! Beautiful Malice sounds interesting as well! Don't you just love it when you pick a book up for a sneak peek and a few hours later have it almost done? lol. Happy reading! :)

  7. Wow, Beautiful Malice sounds excellent! I don't blame you for getting carried away while reading. I love the cover, too!
    Here's what's IMM.

  8. Awesome book, I hope you enjoy!

    Here's my IMM for the week:

    I hope you have an awesome Sunday!
    Laura from the Bookie Bunch ;D

  9. Great books this week! I still need to read TBF but it's in my pile. And Hex Hall was good! Enjoy!

  10. I'm jealous you've gotten your hands on The Body Finder. I'm on a waiting list at my local library and it's going to be awhile. I've heard such great things about this book.

    Reading all the comments about Hex Hall, I may need to add that to my list too.

  11. I went and bought a hardback copy of The Body Finder, Megan. I've heard such good things about the book that I couldn't wait! You should enter my competition for Hex Hall!

    @Emidy & Corinne - I have some copies of Beautiful Malice to give away courtesy of the publisher, so check back tomorrow. It's a seriously good read!

  12. I've read the first three and Hex Hall and Firespell were probably my favorites. You should have lots of fun this week!

  13. Nice group of books. Have fun reading.

  14. I want to read The Body Finder and Graceling because I've read so many wonderful reviews. Enjoy!

  15. Sorry, I just meant The Body Finder (you didn't mention Graceling in this post). My brain is not hitting on all 4 cylinders today.

  16. beautiful malice has a really pretty cover! enjoy!

  17. I'm interested in reading Firespell. Not sure about the others, since this isn't normally the genre that I read, although I have to confess that it's becoming more appealing of late.

  18. I wanted to stop by and thank you for following my blog. I'm following yours now, love your blog!

    Great haul !!... I've heard nothing but good things about The Body Finder happy reading, and I look forward to your reviews! :)

  19. I LOVE the Body Finder cover!! I don't think I have read a review on it yet, so... (queen bee)

  20. Great new books! I haven't decided if I wanted to read Hex Hall just yet.

  21. Great books! My copy fo the Body Finder is on its way to me right now :) And no way - book covers ARE important!!! I refused to buy the Australian version of Ally Carter's "Heist Society" simply because the US cover is waaaayyy cooler :D I still haven't got that one either, yet, but I'm working on it! :P


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it!

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