
Saturday 10 April 2010

Changes to the blog, and a slight problem...

Eeek! If you come by here during the next few days you will notice that this place has changed quite a lot. Call it some over exuberant spring cleaning by me.  I liked my old layout, and I got a lot of compliments on it (sorry to those of you who really liked the old layout), but it was really difficult to work with or to make any changes to. Also, the space on the sidebars of the old layout was really restricted. It was very difficult to actually get anything to fit in there. I had to resize every image I used, which was annoying.  I still have a lot of tweaking to do to the new template, but it's working for the most part.  If you find any problems with it, leave a comment here and I'll fix it. Or I will try to fix it and fail, and just reinstall the old template!

Also, I installed the Intense Debate commenting system as I like to respond to comments individually, and I couldn't do that on the old blogger system.  Now that I've installed ID though, I think it looks a bit intrusive, and I'm not sure I like it. Problem is, I can't uninstall it!! Um, any help?

I hope you guys like the layout change. I don't want anyone to be really put off by it.  If you have a real big problem with them, email me!


  1. Linna, everything that happened here earlier is between you and me, OK. haha! I dunno if you saw the major mess that I made of this place! Let's just say Intense Debate is gone for the moment!

  2. I like the new layout! It looks clean and organized!

  3. I loved the old look but the new one is pretty too.

  4. I hope you grow to love this one too, Mama Bookworm! :)

    Marie - I really don't like cluttered layouts, and that was going to happen with the old one as the space was so restricted, so that's one of my favourite aspects of this - clean and organised and lots of room too!

  5. how do you get a layout with so much more space on the sidebar? Love the new look! (I said that on the other post before I saw this one:)

  6. @songsforthesick Thanks doll! I'm glad you're liking it! :)

    @Kim I got the basic layout from our blogger templates and then revamped it with a new header and all new colours. Their layouts have a lot of space. Actually, there's even more space at the bottom of the layout for extra widgets, but I don't need to use that yet. Basically, I have gone from having no space on my blog, to having more space than I will ever need!

  7. How did you go about changing your template/layout? This looks amazing (I am completely jealous of how gorgeous it is) and I'm wondering how to get something non-generic for my own blog.

  8. There are lots of free blogger template sites and tutorials on how to change the layout. Get googling! :)

    If you're not used to this kind of stuff, I would suggest changing a template on a test blog first, just in case it all goes wrong! Good luck!


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