
Friday 30 April 2010

Book Blogger Hop #6 April 30th - May 6th 2010.

It's Friday, which means it's time to do The Hop.  I love this weekly event hosted by Jennifer at Crazy-for-Books  If you've found this place through the hop, leave a comment and your link.  I always love finding new blogs to check out!

Let's do The Hop!

About the Hop:
This is a weekly event, hosted here, where book bloggers and readers can connect to find new blogs to read.  It's a great way to network with other bloggers and make new friends!  Every day I seem to find another book blog that I start following. In the spirit of the Friday Follow, I thought it would be cool to do a Book Blogger Hop to give us all bookies a chance to connect and find new blogs that we may be missing out on!  It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs that they may not know existed!

Pretty please - Your blog should have content related to books, including, but not limited to book reviews.

If you start following someone through the Hop, leave a comment on their blog to let them know!  Stop back during the week to see other blogs that are added!  And, most importantly, the idea is to HAVE FUN!!

I'm a little late joining the hop today, so I have a lot of hopping to catch up on!

If it's your first time visiting this blog, take a look around!  I'm running two great competitions at the moment, so be sure to enter to win a copy of Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins and one of five ARC's of Beautiful Malice by Rebecca James.  Entry details can be found by clicking the links on the right-hand side of the blog. Have fun!


  1. Hey! I'm stopping by from the hop. I actually found your blog because of the Hex Hall giveaway.

  2. Hopped in to say hi! I love your blog and am now following!

    A Fanatics Book Blog

  3. Hi Leanna! Hope you day is going well. Just hopping by!

  4. Just hopping over from the blog hop thanks for following my blog I really like yours and am now a follower too =o)

  5. Oooh, Melissa, looks like you are my 200th follower! I'm sorry I don't have a 200th follower gift for you.

    Thanks for stopping by guys - I will go check out the blogs that I'm not already following. :)

    Hi Kay! Have a great weekend. xo

  6. Hi! Just found you through the Blog Hop. Your blog's so fun - I'll be checking back often :)

  7. Hey Leanna! Thanks for stopping by earlier. Hope you get some reading done this weekend, too!

  8. I can't decide whether I should do the hop 'cos my blog isn't only about books, hehe.

  9. I hoped into a great blog! I love the layout it is so cool and must have taken a lot of time. I am now a follower and have found your delightful contests! Happy Blogging!

  10. Hi, I am new to the hop and new to your lovely book blog! I'm also a new follower. :)

  11. @Simay - go for it. I always like reading your blog, and you have a lot of book stuff on there. I've seen other blogs on the hop that also include personal/TV/movies stuff.

    @Erika & Suko - glad you guys like the blog. Erika, the layout did take quite a bit of time, mainly because I'm not so good with these things, so it always takes me extra long to do them!


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it!

If you are a book blogger and have taken the time to comment, I will make sure to come visit your blog and return the favour. :)

Please note: This blog is now an award free zone. Thanks to everyone who has awarded the blog in the past.