
Friday 2 April 2010

Book Blogger Hop #2 - April 2 - April 8 2010.

  It's Friday, which means it's time to do The Hop.  I love this weekly event hosted by Jennifer at Crazy-for-Books  If you've found this place through the hop, leave a comment and your link.  I always love finding new blogs to check out!

Let's do The Hop!

About the Hop:
This is a weekly event, hosted here, where book bloggers and readers can connect to find new blogs to read.  It's a great way to network with other bloggers and make new friends!  Every day I seem to find another book blog that I start following. In the spirit of the Friday Follow, I thought it would be cool to do a Book Blogger Hop to give us all bookies a chance to connect and find new blogs that we may be missing out on!  It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs that they may not know existed!

Pretty please - Your blog should have content related to books, including, but not limited to book reviews.

If you start following someone through the Hop, leave a comment on their blog to let them know!  Stop back during the week to see other blogs that are added!  And, most importantly, the idea is to HAVE FUN!!


  1. I think you're right about our common tastes. Thanks for the follow and I'm following you now too. Happy 30 followers!

  2. Thank you, doll! I look forward to reading your blog. Glad to have found it! :)

  3. We have similar tastes in books! I'm a new follower of your blog. Oh, I'm dropping by from the blog hop!

  4. Hi!! I'm stopping by from the hop!! You have a great blog!!

  5. I hopped over too! What a pretty blog! I'm looking forward to a return visit and am a new follower :0

  6. Hello! I'm also here from the hop. I love your blog - it's so pretty! I'm a new follower.

    from Une Parole

  7. Wow! Thanks guys - it's great to have new followers. I'm gonna check out all your blogs now. My Google reader may explode by the end of the day! haha!

  8. I'm following you now from the hop!

    I like paranormals, thrillers, romance, YA, etc.


  9. Hi! Stopping by from the hop and am now following. My reader is getting out of control as well as my TBR list! I love it.

  10. Following you back Teresa! :)

    Since I started blogging I'm finding out about so many new books that I want to read. My TBR is insane right now!

  11. Hi, I found you over on the blog hop. I'm now a follower :)

  12. Thanks Chrissie, following you back! :)

  13. I am a new follower via the book blogger hop and I look forward to reading your posts-I like your design a lot

  14. Stopping by and following from the book blogger hop!

  15. Hi Leanna, thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad to take a look at yours and it is very nice. I see you're reading The Lacer Reader. My book group did this one last year. The cover is different over here, but your cover is pretty. I'll be interested in hearing what you thought of it. Thanks again and I'll become a follower in order to keep up.

  16. Thanks guys, following you all back. The hop has been busy this week!

    @Kay - I look forward to discussing The Lace Reader. I should have a review up in a few days. I also think this particular cover is really pretty. It's what first caught my eye! :)

  17. Hiya, just to let you know I have an award for you over at my blog :-)

  18. Hi! Thanks for stopping by from the Hop. I'm following you as well and have found several items of interest on your blog. I have been curious about The Lace Reader. Have a great weekend! (Queen Bee)

  19. Thanks for hopping over! I was having trouble posting entries/comments with blogger earlier lol!

    Cute layout!

  20. Found you on blog hop, come find me too!


  21. hi..thank you so much for stopping by at my blog..i just wanna say hi and you've got another new follower!

  22. I didn't participate in the blog hop this week, but I do love your blog - you picked a great name for it! :D

  23. @Rhiana. Thanks dear! I will come by to collect it ASAP!

    Thanks to everybody for following. I will go check out your blogs! :)

    @Bookalicious - thanks so much! I just picked the first name that came into my head, but I still think it's cute two weeks later, so phew for that! x

  24. Thanks for following my blog, I like yours a lot too. I am now a follower.

  25. I love the background and outlook of this blog. I am a follower now! :)

  26. Thanks Milka. I'm glad you like it! :)

  27. Whew! What a weekend. Didn't think I would ever get caught up on my blog reads. Hate that it took me so long to get back with you.
    I'm glad you found me at the Hop! I look foward to checking out your reviews.
    You have become a cherry on top of my sundae.
    For an explanation to this crazy response, see
    BOOKS AND BLOGGING PHILOSOPHY at the top of my blog.

  28. hehe! Cute. I read it. What books did you find?


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it!

If you are a book blogger and have taken the time to comment, I will make sure to come visit your blog and return the favour. :)

Please note: This blog is now an award free zone. Thanks to everyone who has awarded the blog in the past.