
Saturday 2 February 2013

From Book to Screen: Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead - Meet the Cast!

As a true TV and movie addict I'm always excited when books are optioned for the small or silver screen. Doesn't always mean that I watch them when they hit the screen (doesn't always mean that they'll be good!), but I love to follow the casting process of these things -- I'm currently obsessing over who will get the role of 'Four' in the Divergent movie.

Last week came news of a Delirium TV series, followed yesterday by news that Jenny Han's Summer series has been optioned for TV: [clicky] and today the most exciting news of all: Vampire Academy - the movie cast. 

Richelle Mead has done a full write up:[here] including the reasons behind the naming of the movie. FYI the full title of the movie is Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters as a nod to Rose and Lissa's unbreakable bond. 

Now onto the casting. They've gone with relative unknowns here and while I was sort of (totally!) holding out for Ben Barnes as Dimitri I have to say that these guys all at least look the part (and the guy playing Dimitri is Russian, which is pretty cool!) 

I hope that Zoey Deutch (Ringer, Beautiful Creatures) will be a good choice for Rose since we can't have Angelina Jolie or that lookalike of hers who appeared on the cover of the books.

Mostly I can't wait to see who they cast as Adrian for the next movie.

Onto the cast!

Zoey Deutch as Rose Hathaway

Lucy Fry as Lissa Dragomir

Danila Kozlovsky as Dimitri Belikov

What do you think of the casting choices? Love them? Hate them? Still sulking because Ben Barnes was not cast as Dimitri? Have alternative cast choices that you want to share?

Let me know in comments!


  1. I have to say that I LOVE this casting. They all look great. So looking forward to this film!

  2. I usually don't agree with castings, but I think this is perfect. This is exactly how I pictured them. I wasn't so sure about Dimitri at first, but I googled other pictures (b/c I'm a huge nerd) and I think it will work.  I definitely can't wait to see this on the big screen!

  3. I am sort of terrified for this movie, because I've heard there might be a lot of changes, and VA is one of my favourite series, so that would really upset me. I am also not loving the cast...I quite like Lissa, but I don't agree with Rose or Dimitri. It will take a lot of getting used to, I think...

  4. I'm not a huuuuge fan of the Dimitri casting because I don't personally find him attractive...but I will wait to pass full judgement. Bit disappointed in the Rose choice purely because there's a girl who would be perfect to play her (google Asheira) but I'm so excited we're finally moving with this

    Cait x

  5.  Ah, me too! VA is one of my fave series!

  6.  I wasn't sure about Dimitri at first either. Like a lot of people I'm so used to seeing Ben Barnes in fan casts etc. But I think it's pretty cool that they got an actual Russian guy. I can't wait to see this on the big screen!

  7.  I'm actually okay with Rose - it's Lissa I'm not sure about. I thought she'd be more ethereal looking. I'll wait to pass final judgement until I see the movie. I hope it's good. I've got my fingers crossed!

  8.  I just checked. Yeah - that girl (Asheira) is very Rose! I'm most excited about Adrian though (if they make a movie #2) -- they'd better get him right!!

  9. Oooh I love this casting. Rose is gorgeous and Dimitri is dark and mysterious!  I can't wait to see this. Although, I have to say the whole relationship between Lissa and Rose irritated me the most in this series. Lissa was completely annoying, IMO. Thanks for the news Leanna! :)

  10. I like the casting and I love the fact Dimitri is Russian :) One of my favourite series so I cant wait to see it hit the big screen!!

  11. Heather@ The Flyleaf Review3 February 2013 at 19:50

    Rose = awesome
    Lissa = awesome
    Dimitri = Noooooo.....

    I guess I just picture Dimitri as more mature looking. Oh well. 

  12.  Haha! Yeah, I never was Lissa's biggest fan either!

  13.  Yeah, I think the fact that he's Russian is pretty cool! I'm excited to see it!

  14.  To me this guy looks mid-to late twenties. I think it's pretty cool that he's actually Russian, and he kind of looks like Dimitri to me, although like a lot of other people I always had Ben Barnes in my head when I pictured him.  I just hope they get a total hottie for Adrian in the next book! ;)

  15. I've never read VA, but I approve of Zoey Deutch for anything. I adored her in Ringer, and have complete and utter faith that she'll do extremely well in this movie. 

    Blythe @ Finding Bliss in Books

  16. Ben Barnes is too old to play a high school kid though, no? I thought I was all in the loop with young actors and actresses, but I've never seen these people before in my life, ha!

  17.  Ha! I don't know any of them either.  Dimitri is older than the rest of the characters in VA. It's been a while since I read the books, but if I remember he's in his mid-20's -- 26, I think.

  18. I disagree with this cast and I do not like any less Danila as Dimitri. I'm sad and I will stay with the books I've seen the actor Danila and a face like a bad not see it as Dimitri also represents older. Dimka in the book is 24 years several people complained of Ben Barnes by age but he looks much younger than this Russian actor Danila and especially that Ben is an excellent actor.

  19. I disagree with this cast and I do not like any less Danila as Dimitri. I'm sad and I will stay with the books I've seen the actor Danila and a face like a bad not see it as Dimitri also represents older. Dimka in the book is 24 years several people complained of Ben Barnes by age but he looks much younger than this Russian actor Danila and especially that Ben is an excellent actor.

  20. James Lastovic...a hot new comer would be a fantastic Christian


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