
Wednesday 23 January 2013

Delightful Debutantes Revisited - Catching up with Kim Harrington!

It's been a while now since I started my Delightful Debutantes feature and I thought it would be fun to catch up with some of the original Debs and see how things have changed for them since their days as debut authors.  First up is Kim Harrington who has been very busy indeed since the release of her debut novel,  Clarity.  Future Debs Revisited include Amy Plum and Josephine Angelini, so stay tuned for those!

Fear not, this doesn't mean I'll be neglecting the 2013 Debs - I have a bunch of Delightful Debutantes interviews coming up over the next month or so including Sangu Mandanna (The Lost Girl) and Yelena Black (Dance of Shadows). Lots of fun!


Hi Kim! Let’s catch up on what’s been happening in your writing life since we last talked way back in early February 2011 – Wow! Time has flown! Since then you’ve seen the release of Clarity, Perception, no less than three books in your Sleuth or Dare series, and now The Dead and Buried. Phew! You have been busy. How has it all been?

It’s been amazing. I love writing for both teens and kids, and hearing from readers via mail or email has to be the best part of this job.

What has been your best author experience to date? I love hearing about the exciting events authors get to attend, the travel opportunities, the fan mail – tell me a little about some of the best author experiences you’ve had.

I’ve had a couple letters that brought me to tears. One was from a girl who was bullied in school and found courage in Clare’s strength. Another from young fan who hated reading until she tried Sleuth or Dare and now she’s hooked. She made me a bracelet! I love all my readers.

Original US Cover || US Cover || UK Cover

I’m really enjoyed The Dead and Buried. I just love haunted house stories! Let’s talk about covers because we’ve seen a lot of different cover looks for this one from the original cover, to the brand new cover look and the UK cover (where the book is also going to have a whole different title!). What is your favourite cover look, and why?

While I appreciate them all and their differences, my favorite was the original US cover because it was so spooky! But I like them all. I love the tagline the UK cover has—so cool.

Can you name other books/series that readers of The Dead and Buried might also enjoy?

I would recommend Rosemary Clement-Moore’s standalone supernatural novels (THE SPLENDOR FALLS, TEXAS GOTHIC, etc.)

Clare from the Clarity series is one of my very favourite characters (I love her snark and her spunk!). I miss Clare! Do you miss writing her? If you were to write a Clarity spin-off series what character would you choose to write about, and why?

I miss writing her so much. I think, no matter how many books I write in my lifetime, she might always remain my favorite character. If I were to write a spin-off, I’d love to focus on Perry. I think there’s a lot of depth to him that could be brought to the surface as a main character.

Finally, what upcoming 2013 titles are top of your reading wish list?

Oh my, so many! The ones that immediately pop into mind are THE DARK BETWEEN by Sonia Gensler, 17 & GONE by Nova Ren Suma, and THE NIGHTMARE AFFAIR by Mindee Arnett.

Thanks for having me!

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  1. Awesome interview. I'm a huge fan of Kim's. I love her books and her writing style that keeps me wanting to turn the pages. Can't wait to read her new book.

  2. Great interview! I love that you are revisiting authors...great idea! This interview reminds me that I need to read Clarity! I completely forgot about that one and I know how much you like it!  Thanks for sharing this with us and I look forward to Amy Plum and Josephine Angelini's interviews!!

  3.  Oh, you really need to read Clarity. It's my favourite of Harrington's books and I think you'll really love it! :)

  4. I really liked the original US cover, too and I'm so happy that I got the chance to snag an ARC with that one still on it. Love your interview! I'm a great fan of Kim Harrington and she deserves a ton of fan mail that show her she's exactly doing the right thing and helping many readers.


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