Sunday 4 November 2012

NaNoWriMo 2012 - Here I Go Again!

Current Day: 4
Word Count: 4,298 / 50,000
At This Rate You Will Finish On: December 16th 2012. 
(Better get writing!)

Hi guys! It's that time of year again - NaNoWriMo time!  NaNo 2011 was the first time I had ever really tried out creative writing and I had a ton of fun with it, so much so that I'm participating again this year.

I got to 50,000 words last year, but you know what - those words sucked. All of them! I read over my manuscript from last year now and cringe!! I'm not churning words out this year at the same rate as I was in 2011, but the words I am getting down are definitely not as sucky as the crap I wrote last year. So that's good!

Also, my big struggle last year was with dialogue. I had written essays forever, but I'd never written dialogue. It was so alien to me. I'm glad to say that the dialogue is flowing much easier this year!

Are you participating in NaNoWriMo? How's it going for you? And what are you writing about? I'd love to hear your NaNo journey!

My story is Paranormal YA.  Here's the synopsis I posted over on the site: 

Secrets never spoken....promises broken....dark parties....a dance with the devil....and you can never tell...
Paranormal YA - hot guys, bad girls and the summer when everything turned strange. 

 You can add me as a writing buddy! I'm Shutterbug_99 

Because I'll be spending November on NaNoWriMo things will be quieter than usual on the blog.  I won't disappear completely, but I won't be posting every day.  Jen, Liz and Emily will be along with some great reviews this month and I also have a bunch of author interviews and some giveaways lined up!

Now, back to writing!


  1. You're not doing too badly! I've only done 2,270  so far, but plan to get some writing time in tonight to catch up a bit.
    I've already got you as a buddy. :D

    Good luck, keep going.

  2. I'm at just under 4k, so you're doing absolutely fine! My book is a horror story for teens and this is my sixth session all together :) If you want to know more visit my writing blog

  3. That's an awesome start! Congrats! I was going to do it again this year, but I thought it might be pressing my luck to try and do it with a baby.  So, this year I will just stick to reading and reviewing, but hopefully I can sign up to do it again next year. It's so much fun....even though I have never won!  Good luck with your paranormal YA and be sure to keep us posted on your progress.

  4. Becky @ Stories & Sweeties5 November 2012 at 01:51

    Good luck, Leanna!! Sounds like you're off to a great start!

  5. Good luck with nano this year! I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines :)

  6.  Thanks! You too! I am kind of slacking this year.  At my current pace I'm going to finish on January 5th!

  7.  I will! I love horror stories! :)

  8.  I'll keep  you posted, for sure. I'm so far behind on my word count already, but it is fun! Hope we can be NaNo buddies next year! :)

  9.  Thanks, Becky! I started pretty well, but now I'm slacking!

  10.  Thanks, Jess! x

  11. Good luck - I'd love to try NaNo again one year :)

  12.  You should! I'm so far behind on my word count this year it's not even funny!

  13. I added you as a writing buddy!  This is my first year participating, so it has been quite a learning experience for me so far.  Glad your dialogue has gotten better.  I have already noticed when I am in a good writing rut and a bad one, lol.  Dialogue is something I feel I need to work on, too.  Good luck on reaching your goal!

  14.  Added you back! :) If you look through my NaNo updates on here from last year, there are some good tips on dialogue! As for me, I'm way behind on my word count. Argh!


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