
Monday 19 April 2010

Intense Debate commenting system on blogs: Yay or Nay?

I've been thinking about installing the Intense Debate comment system on the blog.  I installed it a few weeks back when I changed the entire layout of the blog, but at the time it was a change too far, and I uninstalled it.  Lately I've been seeing it on more and more blogs, and I have to say it looks the business.  I like that you can respond to each individual comment with the system, something I love doing, but can't do with the blogger system. I also love the 'comment luv' option that is available with Intense Debate as it provides a direct link to other blogs, and makes it easier for me to go check them out. So far, so good!

I'm just wondering if any of you have feedback on Intense Debate.  Are you using it on your blog, and if so, how are you finding it? Any problems? I've heard that installing it can affect google rankings, and may even mean that blog posts dont' show up in google searches. Anyone know if this is true?  I've also heard that it can be slow to load on blogs and I've noticed this myself from visiting blogs that have installed ID. Have you noticed an increase or decrease in comments since you installed Intense Debate?

It was actually very tricky (took me a while!) to uninstall ID from  here the last time I decided I didn't want it, so if I install it this time, it'll be here to stay! All feedback is appreciated.


  1. Personally (after I got a few kinks worked out), I really like the system. It's really awesome to be able to check out the latest posts of my commenters, and I like being able to respond to each individual comment! :)

  2. I have never heard of that system, but it sounds very organised and an easy way to network.

    I haven't figured out hyperlinks yet so i'm not trying to upload that and have issues, lol

  3. haha! I still get hyperlinks wrong. I have one bookmarked and copy and paste it instead of typing a new one out every time. haha! Lazy.

    Natalie, being able to respond to individual comments is the thing I like most about ID. It's a really good feature.

  4. I don't like it.
    Good luck investigating the ups and downs and thanks for passing by my blog today.

    I love your header. Quite lovely!

  5. Thanks Juju!

    I'd be interested to know why you don't like it - just the way it looks, or other reasons?

  6. I don't like it enough to put it on my own blog, but I see no problems with ID when I go to other blogs that have it installed.

  7. That's the thing, Emidy. I'm not sure I like it enough to install in on here permanently (it would be permanent since it was really difficult to remove last time!). I really like the reply button on there though. I just think it's more personal to be able to reply to comments. Sometimes the blogger system is annoying that way!


  8. I’m not a fan yet. I don’t like having to enter a bunch of info to post a comment.

  9. Does it save your details once you've posted? I thought it did, but if not I guess that would be annoying!

  10. Then again, at least the ID comments actually show up. Blogger comments have been disappearing all over the shop lately!

  11. i dont think i like it..i try to install it to my blog but it turn out messy..after quite some time i got it ok.but then i changed my mind.i thought if i could reply comments on that instant on my blog, i'm afraid i will not pay them a nice regular visit..yeah, lame.but at least being old fashion is cool sometime..*LOL*

  12. ^ When I first tried to install it on my old layout it was a disaster as the html of the blog wasn't compatible with it. I had to get the ID support guy to fix it.

    I still haven't decided if I want it. Gonna do some more research today!


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