
Friday 16 April 2010

Book Blogger Hop #4 April 16-April 22 2010.

It's Friday, which means it's time to do The Hop.  I love this weekly event hosted by Jennifer at Crazy-for-Books  If you've found this place through the hop, leave a comment and your link.  I always love finding new blogs to check out!

Let's do The Hop!

About the Hop:
This is a weekly event, hosted here, where book bloggers and readers can connect to find new blogs to read.  It's a great way to network with other bloggers and make new friends!  Every day I seem to find another book blog that I start following. In the spirit of the Friday Follow, I thought it would be cool to do a Book Blogger Hop to give us all bookies a chance to connect and find new blogs that we may be missing out on!  It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs that they may not know existed!

Pretty please - Your blog should have content related to books, including, but not limited to book reviews.

If you start following someone through the Hop, leave a comment on their blog to let them know!  Stop back during the week to see other blogs that are added!  And, most importantly, the idea is to HAVE FUN!!

If you are visiting for the first time, here's a recap of what happened on the blog this week! Feel free to join in these conversations!

This week the cover for Becca Fitzpatrick's 'Crescendo' was revealed. I did a special feature on vampires on TV and the books the shows are based on.  I read and reviewed The White Queen by Phillipa Gregory, and loved it!  For my Waiting on Wednesday pick I chose Beautiful Malice by Rebecca James.  I cannot wait to read this book. Go check it out! Also, I'll be announcing a very exciting COMPETITION  for this book soon, so STAY TUNED!

Also, I gave the blog a whole new look. What do you think?


  1. HI! It's my first blog hop today! I'm a shiny new follower from Friday Follow/BlogHop! What a great blog you have here. :)

    Please do pop by and say hello at my place!

    Hope to see you there,


  2. Hi Leanne! Sorry, I don't remember if I ever got around and got back to you since last Friday. I checked out your blog and even voted for you on the Big Sis Little Blog poll, sorry you didn't win. Love your new design, it is breezy and peaceful, love it!

    Also wanted to tell you that you are featured on my blog under today's Book Blogger Hop. ;-)

  3. @ Sassy! Hi! I will pop right over. Hope you're enjoying your first hop! :)

    @Stella - thanks for voting for me, and I'm glad you like the new design! :)

  4. Hi new follower! found you while blogger hopping!

  5. Love the new look! Hopping through and hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

  6. Stopping by from the hop to follow! Great blog you huave here!

  7. Hopping through and had to stop and read your review on the White Queen. I jus got this one in the mail and I really enjoyed your review and now can't wait to start it myself!

  8. I have no idea what your old layout looked like but the new one is looking good. Found you via the blog hop and have enjoyed perusing around your site.

  9. I found you on the hop and it looks like we have similar tastes - I'm a little jealous that you got your hands on The White Queen. I haven't done any reviews of Phillippa Gregory's books, but I've read them all.

  10. I'm new to the Hop but I love your blog. Your review of The White Queen caught my attention as I read it last fall.


  11. Leanna, I <3 your blog! I'm now following have so many yummy articles to read! :D

  12. What a nice blog! I am here from the Hop and am a new follower. You can check out my blog at Inside of a Dog.

  13. Hello Leanna. Hopping in on the Blog Hop. Your site is looking very good! I really like the block set offs inside your posts.
    I hope you might post some lovely pictures of Ireland!

  14. Thanks for checking out the blog guys, and a big welcome to all new followers!

    I will get to all your blogs...eventually! :)

    @MarthaE - I sure will post some pictures of Ireland at some point! I plan to take some nice day trips around the country during the summer. :)

  15. I found you through the Blog Hop, nice blog you have. :)

  16. Just hopping back in to tell you I have a couple of awards for you -- just because. (queen bee)

  17. Just stopping by on the blog hop, nice to meet some UK book bloggers. I am now following your bog.



Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it!

If you are a book blogger and have taken the time to comment, I will make sure to come visit your blog and return the favour. :)

Please note: This blog is now an award free zone. Thanks to everyone who has awarded the blog in the past.